Hello, When I press my brake pedal I can sometimes hear a weird "crrrr". It does it when the engine is cold, even before starting the hybrid system, or at the latest within 2 minutes after starting. mp3 file in the .zip attached. Normal noise when pressing at 0:08 Abnormal ? at 0:17. Thanks for you help. 25000 kilometers , from 2016.
Unfortunately the concession did not find anything. It does not make this noise during all trips. About one in three ... In any case it does it only cold and I do not even need to turn on the engine for it to do. The noise is at 0:17. Nothing abnormal before. During the recording I pressed several times the pedal is what we hear before with the usual little noise when pressed.
My 2010 Gen3 never made such noise ever since I owned it. I don't believe there are any changes in the brake system for Gen4. Judging from your noise file, it is definitely not normal to my ears. I would ask the dealer to take a look. Even they may not find anything wrong but it should be noted in your service history for future reference.
I don't understand what you said "even before starting the hybrid system"? So it makes the noise before you press the <POWER> button? Can you play your recording to the service department?
Exactly. Exactly. It can makes the noise before i press the power button. Or also after. You have the two cases on my recordings. On the last one you can hear the noise before the powering "BIP". The latest I got was 2 minutes after I started driving. I can make listen to the dealership. Unfortunately it only happens on one out of three trips. I have no idea where it can come from and if it has consequences on my braking.
I listened to mine today - it started as I approached the car before unlocking - I reckon about 6 or 8 different sounds, almost like I'd imagine an electric flying saucer to make getting ready for take-off - but no "CRRRR", sorry.