Thank you for the advice. I'll pick it up tomorrow and check the fluid. I probably won't have this shop do the work anyway.
I didn't have any WS ATF on hand, so I only took the drain plug off for a second- just enough to look at it and get a spash of fluid (should note that the car was on ramps on at the high end of a slightly sloped driveway). Fluid was very dark, almost like motor oil, and drain plug had a bunch of sludge on it. For the 1/2 cup of fluid that drained out, there were some fairly large pieces of metal on the paper towel. The shiny piece in the upper left of the photo is about a cm in length: I changed the fluid at 120k a few years ago (Toyota WS). I would not have expected it to look like this already.
Yes, sir. See post #1 and #7 for videos (not sure how to direct link). It's been a few days but did this on your (and padroo's) advice Pretty sure the trans is shot.