Ok, now I'm pretty confused. I did my first fill up today in my 2006, didn't really need it, three pips left, but I was near a gas station that had a pretty good price so I went ahead and filled it up. Now, I knew from reading here that the MFD reading would reset on its own after I filled up and drove off, and the average MPG that was showing there was only for the last 120 miles or so since I reset it to see what my daily commute MPG was. Anyway, only the miles reset, like hitting the trip ODO reset, the average MPG didn't reset, it stayed the same. Kind of defeats the purpose of reseting the miles automatically, doesn't it? On the 2006, is there any way to see the computer's calculations for lifetime MPG if you've reset that display once already? I would love for the MFD to show me running MPG both for trip (maybe per tank, as the miles on the display reset on their own, and for smaller trips like my commute) and for lifetime, as I've been reading here on the discrepancies between doing it the old fashioned way (gas slips, ODO readings, and a spreadsheet) and what the MFD says. I was hoping that the average would change as I flipped through the ODO/TRIP 1/TRIP 2 displays, but alas, I'm out of luck. Any thoughts or advice? I am a data nerd, and love having the instant feedback of the MFD, I just want it to tell me more and more info! Andy
When I calculated the MPG based on the gas slip and ODO reading, I squeaked out a measly 30.7MPG on my first tank, which leads me to believe the tank was not completely filled or stretched out when I got the car. My daily commute I tend to see around 50mpg round trip, so it seems odd my tank mpg would be so low. Though, my tint appointment killed my mpg, they were probably running the AC while doing it or something. The question still remains, though. Since I did a MFD mpg reset early on to see my trip/commute mpg, is there any way that I can access what the MFD would tell me my mpg was?