Hi All, I am new to this forum, been lurking for a few weeks, and as of recent weeks I'm a 2008 Prius Gen 2 owner, specifically for my future position as a RCA with the USPS in central WI. Not sure if this is the best place to post this...if not, please direct me. I would like to know the best place in WI to take my vehicle in for a conversion to RHD, or at the very least a RH pedal conversion. I found two online sources for the RHD kits, one being postal things $2k for the entire conversion kit including the RHSteering Wheel, not including labor, and the other online source is G.C. Zaun Sales Inc. - they sell the accelerator and brake pedals separately but don't do the SteeringWheels anymore due interference with airbag deployment. The only place I found locally was A&J Mobility in Madison, about an hour drive from where I am, and I can get the full pedal conversion done there, but again, they don't do the steering wheel conversion. I have other questions as well with regard to logging mileage as a RCA for tax purposes, etc. but I'll start with the conversion questions first. Thank you for any feedback (I posted this on another thread as well but thought maybe it would be better posted here).
Anyone know how I can get in touch with Timm? I'm in WI, and I thought he had his email in a thread somewhere but I can't seem to find it.
I can't help with the conversion. I would keep a small notebook in the car and record the date and odometer readings when leaving the Post Office and on arrival after completing your route. Are you reimbursed by the USPS or claiming a deduction for business use?
For mileage tracking try the app for either Android & IOS "MileIQ. You can try it for 40 trips for free, if you like it and it works for you you can purchase it, which would make it a write off. Win,Win!!
I used the Android version of TripLog for years, I recommend it. TRIPLOG - Best Automatic Car Mileage Log Tracker & Fleet Management Reimbursement App It can automatically start and stop with the car, which worked very well for me, (every stop was a different billing code by GPS) but might only give you the distance between every mail box, more detail and complexity than you need.
Thank you. I am not technically getting reimbursed by the USPS, however, they do give me a daily stipend on top of my hourly pay that is for gas and upkeep such as tires, oil changes, brakes and other maintenance. I'll follow up with our tax accountant on this.
From IRS Pub 463 Publication 463 (2017), Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses | Internal Revenue Service : Rural mail carriers. If you are a rural mail carrier, you may be able to treat the qualified reimbursement you received as your allowable expense. Because the qualified reimbursement is treated as paid under an accountable plan, your employer shouldn’t include the reimbursement in your income. If your vehicle expenses are more than the amount of your reimbursement, you can deduct the unreimbursed expenses as an itemized deduction on Schedule A (Form 1040). You must complete Form 2106 and attach it to your Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. A "qualified reimbursement" is the reimbursement you receive that meets both of the following conditions. It is given as an equipment maintenance allowance (EMA) to employees of the U.S. Postal Service. It is at the rate contained in the 1991 collective bargaining agreement. Any later agreement can’t increase the qualified reimbursement amount by more than the rate of inflation. See your employer for information on your reimbursement. If you are a rural mail carrier and received a qualified reimbursement, you can’t use the standard mileage rate. ---- You will have to determine if the expense reimbursement is adequate or if it is worth filing form 2106. Also keep in mind that things have changed for 2018.