Form 8936 (plug-in electric car credit). Can't find it (yet). Trying to complete our taxes, but can't find anything but the 2016 form. In fact, it is the only 2017 form we can't find. Can the 2016 8936 be sent in with a 2017 tax package, or might the IRS reject it?
Someone in another thread stated that TurboTax plans to have form 8936 on 9Feb. I suspect the IRS will have it out then, or before.
Thanks! We do it the old fashioned way without turbo anything. My wife claims that we should get the $4502 credit; while I am of the opinion we don't qualify. If she wins the debate (will have to wait a couple months I guess) I will owe her a nice dinner out. I hope it will be a real nice dinner.
This a a DRAFT of form 8936 from IRS for tax year 2017: and At least it seems it's in the pipeline....
I heard (on the news ?) that all of the new tax tables become available sometime in February for the new tax laws. I sorta more interested to see what happens to the paycheck.
In the process of doing that too, but their 8936 still says "Draft as of September 14, 2017 Do Not File" - maybe it gets accepted anyway?
Your paycheck may (as of 2/11/18) now be affected. The new tax withholding tables have been released. 2018 withholding tables now available | Internal Revenue Service I cannot find any info on 8936 (2017 version) from the irs.
I filed my taxes with H&R Block online on Jan 22. The IRS accepted my return and I already got my money direct deposited yesterday. So obviously they don't care if the form is out of date?
Update your Turbotax again. It's been pushed back to Feb 23rd by the IRS. While other tax prep software may have allowed others to file with Draft document versions and even be accepted, they risk having to amend and refile their return if the form has significant changes made to the final version. It's also an audit flag. There's a reason it says draft - do not file. Turbotax is doing the right thing by not allowing us to use a draft form version to file. Irritating, but correct.
I am not a tax expert, so I am going to let Turbo Tax to take care of finalizing my return. BTW, does this extender provision have any effect on filing tax return for credit for alternative fuel station installed in year 2017? IRS Statement on Retroactive Extender Provisions | Internal Revenue Service Here is the list of provision that includes Extension of credit for alternative fuel vehicle refueling property. Budget Deal Would Retroactively Extend Several Expired Tax Provisions - Tax Foundation