Does anyone know if the reversing camera might be installable as an after-market add-in ? I imagine that the neccessary wires and software could be there already.
Yes, Sigma Automotive sells both the camera and the interface. You can see them at
I had an after market camera installed on my base model - see the following thread on an issue that I encountered: What I have found is that for the Australian model there are two MFDs - one which comes with the JBL sound system. From other threads, it appears that the European models are more in line with the Australian, you you need to look at what type of MFD you have. If you only have two buttons per side on the MFD, then you have the base model. If you have more than two, then you have the JBL version. Most of the US options seem to run with this MFD. I have not been able to link my camera into the base MFD, but do run the camera through the mirror embedded screen. The camera itself fits quite well into the same spot as the factory fitted camera, so this part is a good fit. I am now trying to find someone who is willing to delve into the MFD electronics to see whether the signal can be received by my MFD, but it is hard to find someone who is not going to charge an arm and a leg (it is way out of my simple electrical knowledge league). So, the next thing you need to do is determine which MFD you have. If it is the JBL version, then there is definitely the wires available to link to the camera, and I would suggest that the link supplied by aaf706 is a good place to go. If you have, like me, the base model MFD, then you may have to do as I did, and just fit a separate screen for the camera.
I also wish to add a backup camera. I have a 2005 #5 (non JBL/NAV MFD) and a CAN-view V3, which takes up the only free port at the back of the MFD. It looks like a backup camera can be connected to the CAN-view's RGB port. But I don't know what kind of camera or adapter (if any) I need. Norm: I see that you're back from your cross-country move. If you see this, and can shed some light on what's needed to connect a backup camera to your CAN-view, I'd love to hear from you. -thanks!
Hi Eric, We have had 2 electronic aftermarket "experts" along to our Club meetings to try and get a solution to fitting a camera feed to the Base model Aussie far without success. One installer tried 3 times to get a camera working in one member's car, eventually blowing some fuses and rendering the car immobile and on a truck to the dealer for repair! We have a number of members who, like you, want to have a camera linked automatically to the car's MFD as in the post 2006 I-techs. If we find anyone to do it, I'll certainly let you know.
Did this ever progress at all? I have a 2006 T3 with JBL speakers, JBL written on the Head Unit but no sat nav and no camera - can the camera be retrofitted? Or even the MFD upgraded? Thanks