Greetings! I've just purchased a 2017 Prius Prime (silver, if that matters). I bought a new Honda Insight in 2003 and kept it for a few years. I liked it, but it was very low to the ground and lacked a lot of sorely-needed features (like electric A/C, which even the Prius didn't have then). I looked at a 2003 Prius, and, in my opinion, it was a really bad car back then. It was still a sedan with a trunk. I'm a big guy. When I sat in it, there was literally no place for my left foot as the parking brake pedal was in the way. And in the center of the dash of this technologically advanced car was a tape deck that looked as if it could never be removed. The Insight was much nicer, but the lack of electric A/C meant it was hot at intersections when the motor shut off. I mention that because the great solution I found to that problem was having the ceramic tint applied to the windows. It was a very light tint, but the heat rejection was incredible. The inside of the car was like a cool cave. I'm having ceramic tint put on my Prius this week. This Prime Advanced has so many features that I always wanted, and I love the look of it inside and out. I have noticed that the glare on the tablet-style screen is bad, but the tint will help with that. Also, I have found a screen protector for the tablet-style screen that I don't believe anyone here has tried. I had them make a custom protector for my Pioneer AVIC head unit and it worked great. Once I've installed it, I will post about it here. It is supposed to be really great at reducing the effect of sunlight glare. There are a few features the Prime Advanced lacks that I really miss. Chief among these are turn-signal lights on the side-view mirrors and the ability to have the car lock its doors automatically after you leave it (I know it will relock, but I'm talking about the initial locking). My previous cars had that, and I'm very used to it. As a result, I keep mistakenly leaving my Prime unlocked. Though it lacks some features I wanted, a key factor in my decision to buy a Prime Advanced was the inclusion of autonomous driving features. I know two people, a friend and a business acquaintance, who each killed two little girls in separate horrific accidents. My friend was driving completely responsibly, just under the speed limit, and not under the influence of any substances, when two little girls ran out in front of his car. I have to think that the safety features in the Prime would've saved those girls and my friend (who became an alcoholic after the accident, even though he was completely innocent of wrongdoing). The business acquaintance had a history of drunk driving convictions, but never any accidents or injuries. One afternoon he was driving his very heavy Mercedes after having a few drinks (which is inexcusable) and looked down at his radio for a few moments. When he looked up the car in front of him, an '81 Malibu sedan, had stopped unexpectedly and he slammed into the back of it. It wasn't on a freeway so it wasn't the hardest crash, but apparently the '81 Malibu, much like the Ford Pinto, had an issue with gas tank explosions in rear-end accidents. The girls in the back seat burned to death due to his drinking and negligence. He is now doing two consecutive 15 to life sentences. It seems that both accidents could have been prevented with collision warning and autonomous braking systems. I've often thought of all the misery that created and decided I would buy a car with autonomous braking as soon as the technology advanced and I could afford one. I was on a five-lane road (one lane being a center turn lane) three weeks ago when I came upon two kids on a Vespa or similar scooter traveling far too slowly. We were all in the right lane. They pulled to the far right of the lane and slowed down as though they were stopping or encouraging me to pass. I moved to the left lane and accelerated. Without any warning, they made a U-turn across all five lanes of the road, leaving me little time to react. I barely, and I mean just barely, managed to avoid hitting them by braking hard and swerving. I stopped my car and started yelling at them, telling them how close they had come to death. It was that night that I decided it was time to get a new car.
congrats and welcome! it's great that toyota safety sense comes standard. and at the low price of prime, a very cost effective high tech car. all the best!
1. Do you see a turn-signal light on the side-view mirror below/behind the actual mirror? 2. The ability to have the car lock its doors automatically after you leave it is as simple as running your finger over those little horizontal gaps on the door handle.
Hi Skylis: 1. No, I don't. Are you saying your Prime has a turn signal light on the side-view mirror? If so, could you take a photo of it? I didn't think any American Primes have that feature (though I think it may be required in some other countries). 2. That isn't what I meant by having the doors automatically lock. On my previous cars, if you get out of the car, walk away and do nothing at all, the doors would lock and the alarm arm in 30 seconds (it was a feature of the alarms I had installed).
1. My mistake and misattribution (going by memory since it's dark and pouring cold rain out, but I checked the full-res version of my profile pic... not there ) to the days of when I had a Prius c, which did have those lights. I could have sworn that mine had them as well. Also, noted that you have a 2018 Prime in SoCal in your profile. Have the 2018 models come out yet, or is that a leftover 2017 from the lot?
Hi Skylis - Thanks for catching that. It's a 2017. I just corrected it. Too bad about the turn signal mirrors. I'm going to consider a modification, but only if it can be done very, very well by my installer.
Your tale of the horrific accidents is sobering. I feel for your poor friend who was involved. The collision avoidance system has prevented one accident for me, when the car in front of me braked unexpectedly at moderate speeds on an interstate. I don’t have any experience yet with the pedestrian avoidance (thankfully) but like for you, these features were an important factor in my purchase of a Prime Advanced. Welcome!
The mirror here may work if the Prime is the same as Gen 4 - very likely. What Did You Do To Gen4 Prius Today | PriusChat @sfv41901 owns Hybrid Pit, one of our trusted Prius repair shops in California.
Hi MNdriver - Thanks! Can you describe exactly how the braking performed on that accident you avoided? I've tried to test mine a bit following a friend in his car too closely (late at night on an empty stretch of road), and it didn't seem to do anything, not even a warning light or buzzer, even when I got much too close for comfort. I take it that it only acts at the last second?
Ensure the parameters are met: I would not try it with another car - use a cardboard box wrapped in foil; it's less damaging.
Hi Tideland - Thank you for that. I'd still really like to hear what the experience felt like to MNdriver. I remember the first time I had ABS kick in on a car I was driving. The driver ahead of me stopped suddenly to let someone out in the middle of the road. It happened so quick that I just slammed on the brakes full force knowing I'd slam or skid into her. The antilock brakes kicked in and it was a very strange sensation (almost like a giant hand reached down and grabbed my car, stopping it super quickly but super smoothly). I avoided the collision and then knew what it would feel like from then on. I had some faith in it that I didn't have before. I've seen videos on youtube with people hitting things with foil on them (cardboard usually), and it seems it doesn't trigger the automating braking very often.
Hi Insighter - It happened so quickly I’m not sure I can adequately describe it. But we were on the interstate, probably doing around 50 - a lane was closed for construction, it was a Sunday and folks were driving a little slower than normal. Suddenly the car in front of me braked, and my car also automatically braked, along with both an audio and visual alarm (bringht red BRAKE on the monitor). The car responded faster than I could have, and I’m pretty sure it prevented me from rear ending the car in front. I’m normally a pretty careful driver and keep back what I think is an adequate distance. So I’m not sure if I misjudged the distance between us or glanced away for just a second. But a second is all it takes sometimes....
Check out the new Gen 4 mod thread. @sfv41901 at Hybrid Pit has a mirror for Gen 4. What Did You Do To Gen4 Prius Today | PriusChat
Hi Prodigyplace - Yes, thanks, somebody else linked me to a thread about those mirrors. I am getting them. I really believe in mirror-mounted turn signals. I think I've heard that they are required in Europe.
Here is the link to buy the mirrors. Toyota Prius Sequential Turn Signal Mirror Light for ZVW50, ZVW51
I'm actually already in touch with them. I'm just trying to determine which color to buy. They come in what they describe as Chrome and Black Chrome. The Chrome looks silver to me, and I'm wondering if it's a match for the Toyota factory color of my Prius, "Classic Silver Metallic." I've just sent an email asking them. If it isn't, I'll go with the black chrome. It should look good and might make the signal slightly more visible during the day (against the black background).