The Tesla Forum tag line, "The Tesla Roadster & Model S sedan; go 221 miles on one 3.5 hour charge." is out of date. The tag line should read: The Tesla Model 3 goes 334 miles on about 1 hour charge. Yes, Tesla has underrated the range to 310 miles to reflect realistic expectations. But EPA testing lists the range at 334 miles. Other manufacturers, like Toyota, list EPA range which is difficult to achieve. Many current model 3 owners are getting more than 310 mile range by hypermiling. The point is compare apples to apples.
EPA numbers are not out yet for the standard range battery. The 334 EPA number is for the long range battery.
I am just correcting your statement according to the Tesla website. The larger battery is a $9,000 option.
Correct and that is the only model 3 they are selling right now. The website lists the standard range as 220 miles and the optional long range as 310 miles. However, Tesla has voluntarily downrated the range from EPA testing. The EPA lists the long range model at up to 348 miles range and extrapolating that result, the standard range battery should be right at 237 miles range.