2007 Prius key questions

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by Freebird, Jan 22, 2018.

  1. WilDavis

    WilDavis Senior Member

    Feb 4, 2014
    Top RH Corner of RH Coast on L side of The Pond
    2009 Prius
    I've noticed with mine that if I unlock the car, but not use it or re-lock it, it will automagically lock itself after a certain time (I'm sure it's somewhere in the destruction manual (yes, there it is at the foot of p. 43 if the door is not opened withing 60 secs after the "lock" button is pressed the doors will be locked again and the alarm reset!)
    SFO and Freebird like this.
  2. Freebird

    Freebird New Member

    Jan 22, 2018
    2007 Prius
    Hello again,

    I just wanted to thank everybody who helped me in this thread. I did get a brand new and perfectly-working smart key yesterday. It was a bit of a process – newbie that I am, I mistakenly thought Toyota would just send the new key to the dealer. Instead, a locksmith had to fiddle with my car for some time, and eventually he had to reset the entire smart key system of the car. Then there was some confusion about who would pay. But in the end, I got my new key and the dealer paid for it.

    Since I've been driving a 1992 car until just a few days ago, this smart key system takes some getting used to. Every time I walk away from the car, I keep second-guessing whether it's really locked. But if I go back to double-check, of course it unlocks automatically ;-)

    I have a million more questions about the car, but I'll spend some time thoroughly reading these forums and reading my manual to get educated. In the meantime, the key situation is settled. Yay!

    @Jerry – The logo on my old key fob was silver. Ditto for the new key. Just for some reason, the smart key system wasn't working at all. But now it does :)
    #22 Freebird, Jan 24, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2018
    RCO and jerrymildred like this.
  3. VFerdman

    VFerdman Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Western Massachusetts
    2007 Prius
    Great to hear that! Believe me, you'll get used to the SKS real quick. I also came to a Prius with SKS from a 1998 Volvo. Not having to take the key out of my pocket ever is kind of easy to get used to. I use the black button on the door handle to lock the car. Mine does not lock itself when I walk away. Does yours? Maybe there is a setting to make it do that... But I am happy with the way mine works. I just press the little black button on the door handle and the car locks itself and lest me know with a blink. When I come back to the car I just reach for the handle and open the door. The car just knows it's me. It's wonderful. I have it set so it unlocks all the doors all at once, but it's possible to just have the driver's door unlock at first.
    WilDavis and Freebird like this.
  4. Freebird

    Freebird New Member

    Jan 22, 2018
    2007 Prius

    I tried using the black button on the outside door handle to lock the car. But that hurts me a little bit (as I mentioned in my first post, I have a bit of a disability). I much prefer locking the doors from the inside of the driver's door. They stay locked after I exit. When I come back in touch the door handle, the car makes two short beeps and the door is open.

    I'm not sure if the car automatically locks when I leave, but I don't think so. It hasn't done when it's sitting in my garage, but that was before the smart key system started working. I need to spend some more time with this car and try different things. And obviously I have a lot to learn. Right now it feels like the car is smarter than I am. It's a little disconcerting.
  5. jerrymildred

    jerrymildred Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2016
    Tampa, FL
    2017 Prius
    That's great news. I know what you mean about adapting. It took me a few weeks to totally get over automatically reaching in my pocket for my keys as I approached the car. A few months ago, we needed to rent a car and I kept walking up to it, grabbing the handle and going, "Oh! Right! I need to fish out the stupid key. Primitive hunk of junk!!" :LOL:
    RCO, Hayman66, Prodigyplace and 3 others like this.
  6. SFO

    SFO Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2017
    Northern California
    2007 Prius
    Many think having a second backup key securely stored away is very important, if you only have one working SKS key fob and something happens to it, things will get expensive ($$$) quickly.

    Not sure how often you lose things/keys, or accidentally wash items besides clothing in the washing machine. Now might be a good time to work out a deal with your dealer/locksmith and have a second key programmed.

    Another option would be to buy a "brand new" SKS key (silver logo) for around $100 or less online, and program it for free if you can DIY.

    Since you didn't mention where in California you live (Location is under Personal Details), it makes it difficult to recommend another member that might be able or willing to offer you help.
    Prodigyplace and Freebird like this.
  7. Freebird

    Freebird New Member

    Jan 22, 2018
    2007 Prius
    My old key (the one being held together by scotch tape) still works when I insert it into the car. It doesn't work at all with the SKS, but in a pinch I can use it to drive the car, and I'm planning to get another copy of the mechanical key so I never have to worry about being locked out of the car.

    Never say never, but I'm generally not the kind of person who loses things or accidentally washes the wrong thing in the laundry. That said, of course I would like to have another smart key. Just last night I was thinking how hugely important that little piece of plastic is and how I need to be extra super-duper careful about not losing it.

    Right now I'm not in the position to DIY anything. I don't have near enough knowledge, and my disability might be a factor if I have to fiddle with lots of little switches and buttons. Maybe in a few months things will be different, or I won't mind dropping several hundred dollars on a spare key. By the way, I was reading the manual that every 2007 Prius is allowed to have five master keys. I am the third owner of this car, so I don't know how many keys have been gone through already.

    To answer your question, I live in Southern California. Thanks again for your advice; it's very kind of you to help :)
  8. Prodigyplace

    Prodigyplace 2025 Camry XLE FWD

    Nov 1, 2016
    Central Virginia
    Other Hybrid
    I believe @sfv41901 from Hybrid Pit is a preferred service provider in southern California.
    RCO and Freebird like this.
  9. Freebird

    Freebird New Member

    Jan 22, 2018
    2007 Prius
    Hello again,

    I'm back with some more questions, and rather than start a new thread, I'm hoping I can ask my questions here. I've been getting to know my new/used car, which I have dubbed "The Professor" since it is so smart. I'm reading the manual and browsing these forums, but I still need help with a few items:

    1. On the climate control screen, it shows the outside temperature just fine but where the inside temperature is supposed to be, it shows nothing. Just the word temp, with nothing below it. The air conditioning does work fine, and when I adjust the airflow, the setting I choose appears where the inside temperature is supposed to be.

    Near as I can figure, either I haven't pressed the right button, or the sensor that tells the car the inside temperature is broken. If it's the latter, I thought about getting a small digital thermometer to keep inside the car, just so I can know the inside temperature.

    1a. On a related note, I don't see anything in the manual about the car's heating system. It has one, right? I live in the desert southwest, so it's not an urgent problem. But I'd still like to know how to operate the heating system, if I can.

    2. Funny noises. Just a little while ago, I was coming home from multiple errands. I parked the car and turned it off, and as I was unloading my groceries there was a soft high-pitched noise coming from the front of the car. Kind of like a cross between a whirring and grating sound. What really concerns me was it continued for maybe a full five minutes after the car was turned off.

    I don't know if this is related, but it was a warm day today, almost 80°, and I was running the AC.

    3. Because of the age of the car (10 years), I'm very concerned about maintaining the hybrid battery. Especially living in the desert. Right now the weather is delightful, but in the summers we get many days over 110°. I have a garage, and of course I will seek out covered parking whenever possible.

    As far as I can tell, the battery is in good shape now. I've been consistently getting 49-50 MPG so far, and the one time I checked the battery kept its charge pretty well. It had almost a full set of green bars when I parked, and two days later the bars had turned blue, but still looked very full.

    I read somewhere that to maintain the battery, the car should get a good long drive (30-40 miles) at least once a month. Is this true? I also gather it's not a good idea to let the car sit idle for too long. What would be the best driving schedule to maintain the battery? I work from home, so don't need to drive the car every day.

    Should I be turning off all the accessories (radio, AC, etc.) before I shut down the car? So far I haven't been, as I figure it all shuts off when the car does. My end routine is to hit the park button, engage the parking brake if I'm on a slope but not if I'm on level ground, and turn off the car. And of course lock the doors unless I'm home.

    Finally, I don't know if this matters, but I live on the side of a large hill – about 300 feet up. So I drive up a big hill every time I come home. Does this have any effect on the battery charge cycle? I'm still not quite sure how that all works.

    OK, that's plenty for now. Thank you very much for reading, and thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions :)
    RCO likes this.
  10. RCO

    RCO Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2016
    Other Hybrid
    My first Prius was the Gen 4, so I don't know the specifics of your model. However, everything seems alright to me, including the sounds you heard after switching off. The Professor is simply doing what it needs to do with electric pumps etc and I've read that some of the noises can go on after you've shut down. As for the internal temperature display and the heating you'll have to hang on to one of the experts comes back to you. You're always welcome to ask when you feel lost, though in my case is a bit like the blind leading the blind!
    Freebird and Prodigyplace like this.
  11. VFerdman

    VFerdman Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Western Massachusetts
    2007 Prius
    My '07 does not have an internal temperature display. At least not that I am aware of. The car certainly does have a heating system. Just set the temperature to whatever you like on the Climate display. If you put in Auto it will try to maintain that temperature. If you set it to 75 and it's freezing out, you will get heat. If it's 100 out, you will get cold. In non-auto mode, just setting the temperature to a higher number makes the air warmer and visa versa. It's really no different than any other car. Only the controls are through touch screen and steering wheel buttons instead of a dedicated sliders and switches.

    The noises the car makes are mostly normal. It took me a while to get used to a whole new set of noises this car makes. I am pretty good at detecting and following up on normal car noises. Been working on my own cars since I was 16, so I am very attuned to car noises. Gen 2 Prius certainly makes some noises, even when off. After the shut off it usually pumps coolant into a thermos bottle. That pump can be noisy, but only last a few seconds.

    As for battery maintenance, drive the car as much as possible. Other than that you may want to invest into grid charger/discharger and do actual charging and discharging cycles on the battery to help balance the cells that comprise the battery. This is both costly and time consuming, but a seems to work well to prolong the life of the battery. Best thing to do is start saving up for a new battery. At some point you will need one. There is a member on this forum who sells an aftermarket kit to replace the cells for around $1500. If the battery goes that is probably the best way to go.

    Best of luck and enjoy the Prius. I love mine after about 6 months with it. Never owned a hybrid before and never a Toyota. So far I really love this car and not just for fuel economy. I think it is very well thought out and is very versatile in use as a family car.
    RCO, Freebird and SFO like this.
  12. Freebird

    Freebird New Member

    Jan 22, 2018
    2007 Prius

    Thank you very much for the reply.

    Apparently, I erred in calling it the inside temperature. According to my owner's manual, it's called the "passenger compartment temperature display." I don't know how to post pictures here, but I found a picture on Ebay that is virtually identical to mine:

    06 07 08 09 Toyota PRIUS Display Screen LCD Monitor Info Center Climate Controls | eBay

    The outside temperature appears in the upper right corner. So far so good. Then there's the top row, with three boxes – a little down arrow, then the word TEMP showing a temperature beneath it, then a little up arrow. That's where my car is different. There is no temperature displayed at all, it's just a blank space under TEMP. When I pushed the up and down arrows, nothing happens.

    So either I haven't pushed some button I'm supposed to push, or there's something wrong. Again, I'm wondering if the sensor for the inside temperature is broken. I can't set the car to maintain the desired temperature if I can't even see the temperature to set it. And since there appears to be no way to operate the heater manually, that means I can't run the heater.

    I live in the desert southwest, so heating the car is not an urgent concern. But eventually I would like to take the car on road trips to some places where it will be cold.

    As for the funny noise, I hope you're right. I'm going to take The Professor out for a short drive later today and we'll see how it goes.

    I'll consider what you said about the charger. I feel like I have a lot to learn before I can make a purchase like that. Certainly I'm saving up for the possibility of having to get a new hybrid battery. I just want to postpone that for as long as I can buy taking good care of the current battery.

    Finally, there's one thing I forgot to ask yesterday. I'm intrigued by the possibility of car camping in the Prius. Not any time soon, but eventually. But I'm confused about how the hatchback door gets locked and unlocked. As far as I can tell, the only way to lock the hatchback is to look all doors from inside the driver's door. And the only way to unlock it is to do the reverse from inside the driver's door. Is that about right? If I'm going to sleep in the car, I want to make sure I'm securely locked inside.

    I'm sorry for having so many questions, but this car is so dramatically different from my previous car, I'm facing a steep learning curve. So I'm very grateful for any and all advice. Thanks again for all your help. :)
    RCO likes this.
  13. RCO

    RCO Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2016
    Other Hybrid
    No need for any apologies, you'll only ever have to ask. People on here are always ready to offer advice and even help. I think they're a great bunch!
    SFO and Freebird like this.
  14. VFerdman

    VFerdman Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Western Massachusetts
    2007 Prius
    The temp display you are talking about is for setting the cabin temperature. It does not display the existing cabin temperature. It is only displaying what you have it set at. If there is no display, then your AC system may be off. Look at the second row of buttons. They are fan speed control and also OFF. If OFF is pressed then there is nothing for the car to do as far as AC/heat. If you press one of the speed buttons other than OFF you will probably see a number between the up and down arrows above. Those are how you set the desired temperature. If you press AUTO in the bottom right corner then the system will choose all the settings for you: AC, recirculation, temperature (to match the temperature you set with up and down arrows), vent positions. If you press AUTO again then the control goes back to you to play with where and how hard the air will blow. You can also turn AC on and off without effecting the Auto temperature setting. If you press AUTO, the AC will go on automatically. If after pressing AUTO you press A/C at the bottom left then the A/C will be off, but everything else will remain on auto. Your desired temperature will be attempted by the Professor. If you want to point the airflow other than what the car selects, you just push the desired button on the third row and the AUTO will be cancelled. It's really self explanatory if you play around with it. That Climate screen is basically a replacement for the console controls found in older cars. Up and down arrows are instead of your blue-red temperature selection knob/slider, then there is a row of buttons for selecting the vents for the air (including OFF, which I suspect is selected in your case) and fan speed. All those little squares are touch screen buttons you can press to effect desired change.
    SFO likes this.
  15. Freebird

    Freebird New Member

    Jan 22, 2018
    2007 Prius
    Thanks again for the reply.

    I know they are all touch screen buttons, and I have spent some time trying out different buttons. The last couple of times I took the car out, it was quite warm, so I needed the AC. I touched the LO setting and was rewarded with undeniably cold air blowing at me. And when I did that, the word LO appeared below the word TEMP. Then it went back to being blank. I think it was the same when I pressed the setting just above LO. I think I pressed AUTO once, and then the fan went to a very high setting that was uncomfortable for me, so I went back to the old way. But I've never seen an actual temperature below the word TEMP.

    I also want to mention that because of my disability, I can only spend so much time pressing buttons before it starts to hurt me. Even on a touch screen. So I need to parse it out – press a few buttons, then give my arm a nice long rest before trying again.
    Prodigyplace likes this.
  16. VFerdman

    VFerdman Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Western Massachusetts
    2007 Prius
    Understood. Next time try pressing the up and down arrows on either side of the temp. It seems like your temp setting is set to LOW, which is the coldest. There is also HIGH at the other end of the scale and in between there is a range of possibilities between 65 and 85, I believe. I don't know how you feel about the steering wheel buttons, but there is a pair of buttons on the steering wheel that accomplishes the same thing as those temperature up and down buttons, but without having to go to screen interface.
    RCO likes this.
  17. Freebird

    Freebird New Member

    Jan 22, 2018
    2007 Prius
    I have tried pressing the up and down arrows on either side of the TEMP. Several times. Nothing happened in response – or at least, nothing that I could see or feel. So far, I've only used the steering wheel buttons to adjust the volume of music, but I'll give it a try for the climate control and see what happens.

    Thanks for the reply.
    Prodigyplace and RCO like this.
  18. Freebird

    Freebird New Member

    Jan 22, 2018
    2007 Prius
    Update – Today when I took the car out, I went to the climate control screen and selected AUTO. Again, I was blasted with a face full of arctic air. And the word LO appeared below TEMP between the two arrows. I tried pushing the arrow buttons again, but this time I made a point of pushing the up arrow first (the down arrow is closer to the driver, so in the past I think I always pushed that one first). After pushing the up arrow a few times, a temperature finally appeared in the right place! 65°. I adjusted it up to 75°, and now everything is fine. :)

    Obviously, whoever had the car before me must have set the temperature to the lowest possible setting. I guess 65° is about as low as it can go. And then when I tried to adjust it, I kept pushing the down arrows when it was already at the minimum setting.

    So problem solved! Thank you to everyone who replied. I still have plenty to learn, especially about maintaining the battery, but I think I can learn a lot just from browsing around here.

    Now I have another problem, but it is not Prius-specific. I just received my new registration card for the car, and the DMV misspelled my surname as well as the name of my street. And I can't clear this up until I get the new title, which I might not even get, because it's being mailed to the wrong street. Gotta love the California DMV!
    RCO and Prodigyplace like this.
  19. RCO

    RCO Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2016
    Other Hybrid
    Yay!!! Glad you got to the bottom of your heater problem at last. You are past the first rung on the ladder of Prius knowledge. Sad to see that bureaucracy is no better over there than on this side of the Atlantic. Do they have phone number in the book you could call on?
    #39 RCO, Feb 3, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
    Freebird likes this.
  20. Prodigyplace

    Prodigyplace 2025 Camry XLE FWD

    Nov 1, 2016
    Central Virginia
    Other Hybrid
    SFO, Freebird and RCO like this.