I also have the problem of pushing the correct homelink button in the dark. Sounds like the solution is to program all three of them to open my garage door. (I only have one garage door). I also have the Galaxie S6 and use the Samsung IQ pad to charge it at home. Also just took out my landline; had my landline number ported to my cell phone, and installed walk around phones in my house linked to the cell. Seems to be working OK.
My problem is finding any button at all in the dark, during the 1 second or so before my turn into my long driveway. I don't want to be fiddling with buttons during the turn, yet need to hit the button early enough to allow garage door to fully open by the time I reach it. A backlit button makes the whole process a smooth operation at night, like it is in daylight! It's just plain dumb not to have them lit up, like other buttons on the steering wheel, etc. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Don't use buttons at all. I got a nexx garage door controller, and wired it in parallel to the existing garage door controller. Then with the nexx garage app running in your phone, you can geo-fence your door. For me my door opens automatically when I get to about 40 feet of the door, no buttons involved. And if the door doesn't open (because the phone rebooted, and the nexx app is no longer running), if you have garmin speak, you can ask alexa to ask nexx to open the grarage door, again no buttons involved. jp
I just looked again in post 40 and I do not see any mention of the mirror being made by an outside company. Perhaps @Mark57 meant to mention it and got distracted?
Think our Homelink mirror is the same, or close: the left end button is the one being used, I just run my fingers along the lower edge from left to right, till I feel the first button. We did have the second button programmed, for a townhouse we visited (maybe it still works ), and with that one I'd use the same drill, just count along. It'd be much easier if the buttons were raised a bit. Ergonomics, ease-of-use, seem to get little or no attention from the manufacturers these days.
did anyone mention album art at a stop light? place the car in park then lightly tap the e-brake. it will show. Now don't forget to reverse the order once the light turns green
I think a secret menu pops up if, on the right steering wheel D-pad, you go Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right TRIP, BACK, Horn.
Yup when our temps goes below 20 I'll be glad for these two features! I think I read what? That's another new one. Thanks!
You can change the number of flashes when you tap the turn signal or, rather, the dealer can. I had them change it to 5 before delivery.
There is a convenient Fob Holder above the power button. (For 11.6 screen models. Unsure on the 7" screens.)
Looks like a good way to make it easy for someone to steal your car when you inadvertently leave it there.
Yup. Mine goes into my pocket when I leave the house and (except for locking and unlocking the house door) stays there till I go back inside. I'd forget my head if it wasn't fastened on.
Suggestion: try a "carabiner"; my wife got me hooked on it (pun intended!), and it works great for all your keys. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
The car complains with a continuous beeeeeeep if you leave the fob inside after turning it off and closing the doors. A more interesting situation is if you want to leave the car in run mode (park) after exiting the cabin. This is a common situation when my spouse is in the passenger seat and I need to leave the climate and/or audio systems on for her while I run into a shop (for example: picking up the dry cleaning.) I usually hand her the key fob and she puts it in one of the cup holders. .... Then the Prime will beeeeeeeeep at me when we get home and I forget that the fob is still there. Ah... the complexities of modern technology.
Even after only a month after getting my Prime I am feeling really put out when I have to reach into my pocket to get the keys when driving our other car. We get spoiled so fast.