Looking for some step-wise instructions for the rear wiper delete. Searched the forums far and wide and surprisingly couldnt find any. Not even youtube videos. Thanks!
While browsing the Rakuten Global site under 'Prius 30' recently, I ran across a plug for the rear wiper delete. Search on global.rakuten for zvw30 smoothing cap; my account is too noob to post a link unfortunately. Two results show when searching under that, and the correct one is pretty obvious. I hope this helps.
Thanks! I read in one of these threads someone say it was like a 30 second mod. Looks like you have to rip the inside panel off though. I wish I knew how to do that in 30 seconds....
Its actually as easy as those instructions state. Start at the wiper itself. At the base, near the glass, there is a plastic "cap" that covers where the wiper rotates. Pop that up or off. There is a 10mm bolt that holds it on. Once you unscrew the bolt, wiggle the wiper blade assembly off. Once off, you will just have a post sticking out. Then open the hatch. Star with the big panel first. Along the edges, there are small slots that are just big enough for an interior panel tool or just a flat blade screw driver. If you separate the plastic from the hatch a bit, you can see the white or off white colored plugs that hold the panel into the hatch. If you have an interior panel tool, its easier to pop those bad boys out because its shaped like a flat wrench and gets right at the base and pops them right now. But you can do it with a flat blade as well. work your way around the bottom of the hatch until you get to the sides. You will have to remove the side pieces as well, its all interlocked at the seems so it just makes it easier to pull them instead of them hanging in your face. After removal of the interior panels on the the hatch, you will see the wiper motor exposed. I think its only 2 bolts, also possibly 10mm and a plug. Just unplug, remove the bolts and pull the motor assembly straight down. Then screw on your bunghole - ha, just wanted to say bunghole. "I need teepee forrrr my bungholio!" Then put all the panels back on. Also, check to make sure none of the plugs stuck in the hatch. If they did pop them out and put them back in the panel. makes it easier to snap everything back into place. Hope this helps! Sorry, I dont have photos!
Just a cleaner look to the back of the Prius. Some people like it/use it.. I dont like it and hardly used it. Plus, I didn't want to adjust it. It kept hitting and marking up the spoiler. For me, even when I did wipe with it, I could hardly see out of it. I have a Broadway rear-view mirror so visibility is as good as its going to get IMO.
Has anyone bought the Rakuten plug? Hybridpit doesn’t answer emails, or pick up their phone, which leads me to believe if I order the product, I’ll be mostly trying to get my money back.
Hey, where’d you get your plug from? I’m still weary of where to get it from. Hybrid Pit is being a pit of nothing. No response from those guys, which leads me to think something isn’t right.
I got mine from them.. might want to reach out to Master Sean @sfv41901 who works there.. But like I said, I picked mine up from them and have no issues with it.