Do any of you know whether TurboTax knows how to, or just simply *knows to*, fill out the forms for the P.Prime’s $3500 Tax Credit? I *think* I recall, back in 2009, it knew to ask the right questions regarding our regular-Prius purchase. (Now the answer (again IIRC) was that that discount only applied to US-made hybrids. However, it was “smart” enough to know to ask those questions, again, as best I can recall at least...
Yes I use all the time for sample calcs, even though I do not have a plug-in. As far as "hacking" Turbo-tax for a hypothetical plug-in purchase, any VIN will do. Have not tried 2017 TurboTax yet...I assume no changes
I did my taxes a few days ago with Turbo Tax and the Tax Credit form 8936 was built into the system. I was able to get the full $4502 tax credit. The only keeping me from filing now is waiting for the IRS to finalize form 8936, which has an estimated approval date of 2/1/2018. -JT
Wanting to make sure I fill out my taxes correctly when I do my taxes. I qualify for the max credit due to the amount of taxes I pay per year. If I understand correctly, when filing my taxes, say I would normally get a $1,000 refund, having the tax credit for the Prime would bump me up to a $5,500 refund, correct? If I would owe $1,000 after filing taxes (before putting in purchase of the prime), I would in fact get a refund of $3,500. Is that right?
I have TurboTax 2017 and although I don't have a Prime I entered the information just to see how it works. It's in the area for Deductions & Credits, Cars and Other Things You Own, Energy-Efficient Vehicles. It asks: "What type of alternative energy vehicle did you buy in 2017?" with one of the choices being "Plug-in Electric Drive Motor vehicle (Four-Wheeled Electric, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle or Certain Two-Wheeled Vehicles.) For example: Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf, Tesla Model S." It then asks you to select the year of your plug-in electric drive motor vehicle (it lists 2010-2018 as choices) It then asks several more questions but only verifies some of it, for example it expects a properly formatted 17-character VIN, it wouldn't accept 17 random characters, however it's not checking if it's a qualified VIN, or even checking if the model name that you enter qualifies. In fact I entered the VIN for my 1992 Camry wagon, and I entered Camry as the model and it told me congratulations I qualify for the $4,502 credit. Hurrah! Although presumably the IRS will be checking this later so be sure to enter this information correctly since TurboTax isn't verifying if it's right. It did balk however if I entered a purchase date or in-service date in 2018, for example purchase 12/31/2017, in-service 1/1/2018. I remember this question came up last year from someone purchasing end of year and having the car shipped with delivery occurring after January 1st. Form 8936 only asks for the in-service date but TurboTax also asks for purchase date for some reason even though Form 8936 doesn't. It asks for battery capacity and it calculates the credit from that. If I entered 8.8 kWh the credit was $4,502. If I entered 4.0 kWh the credit was only $2,500. So be sure to enter the correct battery capacity as it's not calculating it from the vehicle type. It asks for gross weight but only balks if you enter 14,000 or more (which is per the IRS regulation) It asks for cost, I entered $10.00 and it accepted that, not sure why it's asking for the cost I enjoyed briefly seeing my refund increase by $4,502! Maybe next year.
I noticed that they appear to have several ... “trim levels” (haha) ... of TurboTax: Premier, Self-Employed, and TurboTax Live. I presume Premier has the appropriate options? iPhone ? Pro
I presume JTPRO is saying that the IRS hasn’t quite finalized the 2017 version of that form, and/or Intuit hasn’t quite finalized their TurboTaxification of that form. iPhone ? Pro
TurboTax now saying form 8936 won't be finalized until 2/8/18 IRS Forms Availability Table for TurboTax - TurboTax Support
I’m using Tax Hawk and my Fed credit was declined because of VIN #, no details. Should hear from them tomorrow. The only aspect I’m concerned about is, the car was purchased in Dec 2016, that date may be within the Vin. I had assumed that since the model was from 2017 then I should be eligible with year 2017 Taxes. Is that correct? TY