First off, I know this might be off topic or not the correct forum but I tried posting this issue in the technical forum previously. Recently purchased a 2007 (not sure what submodel) with around 170k miles. Not sure of the vehicle maintenance prior to my purchase but I do know that the 12V battery has been recently replaced and I've had it deep cycled and load tested. My problem is that when the car starts it runs fine for about 20-30 seconds then proceeds to rising the RPMs of the ICE to around 2500. I know this because it is audibly louder and I verified through my OBD II. When the vehicle slows down, it has a hard time ever going to into EV mode and 95% of the time it starts revving the ICE until the throttle from the pedal is engaged. It doesn't only do it when the car is warming up either. It does this at all times no matter the temperature, no matter how long it's been running, no matter what accessories are on including climate control or A/C. It's not throwing ANY codes through OBD and I'm at whits end with trying to figure out what is going on with this car. I've seen similar threads about this issue but I can't find updates or fixes. I've also replaced the MAF, air fitler and cleaned the throttle plate and body. HELP!!
What happens if you put it to neutral? Make sure that you have enough bars of hybrid battery while doing this as leaving it in neutral and empting the hybrid battery can break it. What do the fuel trim values (short and long) show when engine is “idling” at 2500rpm? If adding a lot of fuel check for vacuum leaks. If not those it might just be a bad throttle body.
If your throttle assembly butterfly plate isn't stuck by carbon deposits, I'd be inclined to see this as maybe a failing HV battery. Try using an injector cleaner to cleanup the throttle assembly and see what happens. The ICE tries to charge the pack, when the battery is severely failing and can't hold a charge. The 12V battery replaced, doesn't ha e anything to do with this, except on the Camry hybrid I ha e worked on, when the aux battery was disconnected and replaced, I had the ICE just revving up. Had to recalibrate em before it settled to the normal RPM. Any lights on the dash? Even if there isn't any, get the car scanned for codes. PS: If cleaning the throttle assembly didn't fix it, the throttle assembly idle control switch MIGHT be problematic. Dxta
It’s likely, because you cleaned the throttle body. I had a similar scenario happen following the cleaning of the throttle plate. I posted the similar issue about uncontrolled revving. The answers I got back, were that it had to do something with forcing the throttle plate open. Apparently, the ECU gets out of sync with the throttle body and the drive by wire gas pedal. The system will fix itself through a relearning process over time or you can disconnect the 12v battery for several minutes and the ECU will reset to factory defaults and start the learning process from a baseline. I didn’t do the battery disconnect method and the system eventually returned to normal after 2-3 weeks of drive cycles. iPhone X ?
The issue is the same in neutral and the system shows plenty of bars of hybrid charge while the issue persists. I haven't checked the fuel trim values quite yet but plan to before the end of the day. I'm hoping its a throttle body issue as apposed to a hybrid battery issues... Thanks for the reply
Is there a way to re-calibrate the system without taking it to a dealer? No lights currently on the dash. What codes other than the OBD engine codes might I be looking to get scanned? I'm unfamiliar with the throttle assembly control switch. I've done some research but can't find much about that, could you expand just a bit on that component and its exact location? Thanks
Thanks for replying, I'll look into disconnecting the battery again. I did not even think about it affecting the drive by wire sync while being connected to the battery. Did you experience the car not wanting to switch into EV Mode while this issue was occurring? It seems to want to rev up at almost every stop and its frustrating in traffic.
The code is a P....code. How to calibrate it? You can do that, by disconnecting the negative battery terminal, and allow for say, 15-20min, before connecting it back. This would relearn the whike idle thing. The idle control switch is on the throttle assembly. The picture I uploaded was for a Prius 2008. Where my hand is pointing, is the throttle assembly. The idle control switch is on that component, when you remove the assembly itself. It has a wire harness connector attached to it. Hope this helps? PS: Have you tried cleaning the throttle assembly itself?
Ok Ill, have the car read again by a separate scanner. I'll disconnect the battery again when I get home to see if this will help relearn the idle issue. I see what you are talking about now. I hope that isn't the case but I wouldn't rule out the control switch as being a possible cause. I have tried cleaning the throttle plate itself, not the entire assembly though. I might try that next but I need to buy a throttle body gasket to be on the safe side.
Also wanted to add that when originally cleaning the throttle plate I attempted to remove the throttle body as a whole and accidentally removed the position sensor (I believe) I tried to reinstall it as close to factory as possible. Could this be causing the issues? Is it also able to be recalibrated or adjusted?
Yes, and freaked me out because it would be showing Green bars and I knew the engine should be off so EV mode could use up the excess charge. iPhone X ?
I would say it is possible. Not sure about the recalibration or adjustment. This could be part of the relearn process though. Again, I left mine alone and it fixed itself over time. However, I didn’t remove any components, just manually opened the throttle plate several times during the cleaning process. Btw P0505 is Idle air control malfunction. View attachment 143059 iPhone X using TapatalkI
P0505 is the problem with idle air control system: I think you will get all the possible relearn by just disconnecting the 12V battery. So either you need to re-adjust the sensor or just replace the throttle body if the sensor or the throttle body itself is the problem. This is a rare problem so used part should be ok.
I adjusted the sensor to the best of my ability to right around .5V at idle after the car had warmed up (coundn't find the exact spec) AND pulled the negative lead from the 12V battery for about 20 mins. Initially the car ran perfect, drove it around my neighborhood around 20 mins making plenty of stop and goes. Unfortunately, about six blocks away from my house the car started acting up again having the exact same rev problems as before... I parked the car and am back at the drawing board. I'm going to wait until it will throw a code again and try reviewing the freeze frame data from the OBD as the PDF suggested. Thanks for posting that BTW, is there anyway I could see that document in full?
You probably need the new throttle body. The document should be full just use the links on it to go to other pages or go to - /丰田普瑞斯原厂英文手册pdf格式/Repair Manual/04pruisr/ and try to find the correct page. I just used google to find the correct page by typing: P0505 Prius pdf
The troubleshooting suggestions for a P0505 only with no other codes present is to check 1. PCV hose connection for splitting or cracks. 2. Induction air system for leaks 3. Electronic throttle control system. My car never threw any codes. But then again, I didn’t take anything apart beyond air box removal. iPhone X ?
UPDATE: I checked all the induction and vacuum hoses for leaks, found slight cracks near the connectors. So I replaced those and the connectors, along with a complete throttle body (including throttle motor and position sensor). Disconnected the battery again while replacing these components, and voila! Car has been running smooth as can be expected with the miles it has on her. Thank you to everyone who helped narrow down the idling issues I was having!