I own a 2007 Prius and having the same problem a lot of you are having with the headlight going out. I want to replace the bulb myself and was wondering if you can replace an HID bulb with a Halogen bulb? Thanks.
You can't substitute a halogen bulb for an HID bulb. You should also contact Toyota about having them pick up the cost under warranty. There are numerous problems with HIDs in the 2006 and some 2007 model year Prius. See this post...http://priuschat.com/forums/care-maintenance-troubleshooting/34584-headlight-problem.html
I had a hell of a time with my headlights. Be sure to take it to the dealer and make them fix it right.
I too saw my front right headlight go out recently, only to have it come back on the next day...and not a problem that I have seen after that. Is it a problem with the original bulbs? Or does the problem like in the wiring? And does it start off innocently with the light going on and off here and there...and then kaput? thanks!
Yes mine started innocently also. First the replaced the bulb, then the housing, then both. THen the lights weren't the same color. It was a pain. There might be a TSB on it. EDIT: I guess not. I just checked Mitchel On Demand and couldn't find one.
Soooo.....Many months/years after this initial post was addressed, I bring the same issues. 2007 Prius with 113,000 miles. Recently purchased this vehicle used less than a month ago and have been working my way through some previous fixes that appear to have been "short cuts" to say the least. With that said...driver's side headlight comes and goes. comes on when turned on initially so passed VA safety inspection no problem. light will all of a sudden be out when I pull up to a friends house and he notices one of my headlights is out. I attempted to address the problem today by removing the headlight housing and checking bulb connections. Removed HID bulb for inspection. HID bulb appeared to have two (2) cloudy spots inside the glass lense, not sure if this would be an issue or not. Bulb still works. Also, the big black plastic retainer cove that holds and protects the assembly in place had a crack in it, potentially letting dirt(?) and or moisture(?) in. Taped over the crack in the plastic. Again, the lightbulb still works on occasion. Removed the bulb wearing plastic gloves and cleaned all connectors and sockets. Dilelectric grease used on the connector prongs. All connections appear tight at this point. All of the proper clicks at the fittings. Lights turn on, but driver's side goes out at some point. I was able to determine tonight that both lights turn on and appear to stay on until I come to a complete stop. Upon accelerating, the driver's side goes out and stays out. Regular acceleration, no jack rabbit starts, if they are possible in a Prius. I can turn the lights off and then back on while driving, and both headlights appear to be illuminating the road again. Stays this way until I come to another complete stop. Same thing. Start to accelerate, Start rolling a little bit, and the driver's side headlight goes out. Will come back on if I turn lights all the way off at the switch, and then back on. Can be exhilarating on a dark, back country road. Checked on the cost of new HID bulbs and I must say, Ouch! Thoughts? Concerns? Suggestions?
try swapping bulbs from driver to passenger, does the problem follow the bulb ??? i had same issue as you, in the end i bought a new pair of bulbs. problems solved. you can get them on home depot website fro 54 each. they are at least definitely not counterfeit.
It's the nature of HID bulbs, just change them. When a bulb doesn't fix it they use a ballast and it is an electronic unit in the bottom of the headlight assembly. The headlight has to come out to change it. If water gets in the headlight assembly it can take out the ballast. Hid bulbs have no fillament like old bulbs do. The ballast being in the bottom of the headlight assembly is where the water lays, they don't swim very well.
Now that I know how to access the headlight assemblies, I will no doubt try both of your suggestions. Just need a couple of hours to address in the daylight. Parts stores in town want anywhere from $63.00 (NAPA) to $149.00 (AutoZone) for one replacement bulb. All must be ordered in, none carried in stock. Advance Auto Parts wanted $80-something but they too would have to get it shipped in. I was unsure of some of the manufacturers they listed for the bulbs. Sylvania was the AutoZone bulb and would be the exact match to the bulb I took out and brought with me. The others parts stores didn't offer Sylvania, just their suppliers that I have never heard of. NewWorld something or other was the manufacturer/supplier of the bulb from NAPA. The parts guy said it used to be Wagner for bulbs but they recently switched. You mention potential counterfeits which I had not considered. Online I see what appear to be original equipment Toyota HID bulbs on Ebay, $28.00 each. Copied and pasted the item listed below: Sell now D4R HID Bulb 90981-20029 Prius Avalon 2006-09 Headlight Toyota OEM 4300K 42406
$73 for 2 philips d4r bulbs for 2006 to 2009 Prius amazon.com/GENUINE-06-09-Toyota-Headlight-Germany/dp/B0714N72WG
Doesn't look that way. Ballasts are running anywhere from $35.00 to $65.00. $35's are used. What's the point? I already have used. Another one or a set of used ballasts sounds like another crap shoot.
I checked with my mechanic yesterday. The assembly does not come with bulb or ballast. He did see that there is now a generic ballast on the market from some Chinese company but there isn't much in the way of price savings, especially if going through the overall expense of replacing the entire assembly. A cheap Chinese knock-off is probably no better than one of those used ballasts. Question: He confirmed my headlight is letting water in. He'll replace (with all new and OEM) the driver's side headlight fixture, HID bulb and ballast for about $950 plus tax. Reasonable price to have a AAA approved shop that specializes in hybrids do the work?
I notice that you're way out in the west, in the Golden State, so are you anywhere near Luscious Garage? If I lived out there, I think I'd make a special trip just to visit them. They look like a great set-up, an they've gotten some great reviews from other PriusChatterboxes!
No such luck. Luscious is in San Francisco; I'm east of Los Angeles. It's over 400 miles away. On the good side, my mechanic owns a Gen II Prius and has done all of his own work on the couple of them he's owned over the years. He knows his stuff. Jeff from Hybrid Automotive has him as a factory approved installer and seller. His name is Jimmy Jue at Jue Motors over in Covina. BTW, that 3 minute video doesn't help me but it should help others here who only need the bulb replaced. In my case the entire light fixture needs to be replaced in addition to the bulb and ballast. It's not water tight anymore. From the videos I've seen that involves loosening a lot more, including the bumper, to replace.
I remember that video and she makes it look simple until the back cover won't turn then you need to go to plan "B", remove the headlight assembly. The last time I worked on mine the ballast had to be replaced and while I had the headlight assembly out I sealed the lens with my hot glue gun to keep water out because that is what kills the ballast. Sealing it is a 5 minute job.
There are a number of videos showing how to remove the front bumper, and from what I remember, it really doesn't look too difficult, I think the trick is to have the same attitude as when removing the rear-hatch trim to get at the number-plate lamps. IOW Be Bold! (…and having the correct tools will help!)
You don't have to fully remove the front bumper, it will give enough to remove the headlight assembly without total removal. I could easily remove a headlight assembly in 10 or 15 minutes because I did it a few times. The first time is always the worst fearing you are going to break something. I did remove the front bumper the first time though.