so mah homeboys are goin to the track (1/4 mile) in a week and i wanna see if slicks would help out. if yah should i put them on the front so tthe wheels dont chirp or shoul i put them on the back so the weight stasy even? thx. ive neva been to the track befor!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure there are people on here more experienced with racing (although we'll once again bring up the point: why even try to race a prius?), however since you say you've never gone before, i'll give you some advice: Take it slow at first and get used to it... it's a lot different than just driving around the city... s**t can happen extremely fast on the track, and you can get yourself into a world of hurt. I've got a buddy who does some racing at a track near here, and he says that on a good weekend he can go through 50% on his brakes, and he generally gets less than 20k miles on his tires... That quickly becomes a very expensive hobby. Also, he took 100+ hours or training, both classroom and in car with an instructor, before he even attempted to do anything on his own, and i know he learned a hell of a lot from the isntructor.
i don think this is a turny track. i think its just the 1/4 mile so i can jus step on teh gas and go right!? i think i need slicks though, probably, just dont know where to put them or if its worth it??!?!?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tha Master of Jive @ Jul 21 2006, 04:09 PM) [snapback]290089[/snapback]</div> I think you should put the slicks on the front and back. two foot wide slicks on 22 inch rims ought to do it. You might have to cut out the wheel wells as well as trim away some of the sheet metal around the wells. But the cool look would be worth it. Plus you wouldn't have to worry about the wheels chirping when the light ticks down for the quarter mile start and you stomp on the gas pedal.
Oh, i feel i should mention one more thing, if you haven't seen it yet: the prius is computer limited to 108 MPH. good luck winning any races
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nyprius @ Jul 21 2006, 04:26 PM) [snapback]290105[/snapback]</div> OH... MY... GOD!!!!!! look at this ladies and gents!!! we gots ourselves a smartass!!! let me gues, ur freinds at starbucks think your the man! anyone else wanna help a prius brotha out? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ Jul 21 2006, 04:32 PM) [snapback]290109[/snapback]</div> Thx, anyway to get rid of the limiter????!??!!?
I would put the slicks in the front. The Prius is front wheel drive, so you would want the tires with best traction on those. Try to get the battery as full nice person possible: more power for the electric engine. Good luck!
Make sure to have someone take pictures of you racing. Also get some video footage. Please post pictures and videos ASAP! I'm sure we all would like to SEE what a prius can do at the track. I've been thinking about taking mine down to the local track just to see what it can do. I might do that next year if I can get some time. I've been very busy this year plus I don't want to take my 7 month old Prius to a track just yet.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tha Master of Jive @ Jul 21 2006, 04:37 PM) [snapback]290113[/snapback]</div> If anyone's a smartass, it's you. Your whole post is a joke and you know it. Why would anyone run a Prius in a quarter mile. If you're serious, I'll eat my hat. You couldn't chirp the tires or do a burn out in a Prius if you tried, even if you put 2 inch wide tires on it. Also, I don't understand what "ur friends at starbucks" means? I'm glad to help out a brother (brotha?) Prius owner. It's just that I think you're making fun of us.
bracket racing, which is what happens at tracks all across the ocuntry, does not require a fast car to win. Each competitor receives a couple of time trials and then puts a number on their windshield that they think the car will run. The starting system handicaps the cars based on their numbers. If you go quicker than your number you lose. the sport requires extremely good reflexes, a very consistent vehicle, and a strong awareness of the finish line and the other vehicle. As for the Prius, all I would do would be to lower the front tire pressure to about 20 pounds, put 45 pounds in the rears, and drive around the waterbox. Stage DEEP, that is when you roll through the pre-stage beam until it just goes out. Put your foot on the brak all the way and push it to the floor. Put your other foot on the gas and hold it to the floor. When the second yellow goes out (there are three yellows and a green), snap your foot off the brake and hold on. The Prius has some lag at the start so instead of going on the third yellow I would start with the second and then adjust from there. But hey, what would I know?????
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nyprius @ Jul 21 2006, 08:04 PM) [snapback]290221[/snapback]</div> Jive is probably much younger than I am... I agree that if I were a young fellow I might have a good time fooling around in virtual communities. In any case, perhaps the wit are some honest questions. I wonder where Jive lives? There is a very nice track in Englishtown, NJ.....
thx for the responses. does anyone kno the lug pattern on teh prius?! is it the same as a honda civic? my boy's got some slicks he said we culd try.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tha Master of Jive @ Jul 24 2006, 04:24 PM) [snapback]291561[/snapback]</div> If the slicks will fit on the stock wheels you don't need to worry about the lug pattern or spacing. Just take a tape measure and measure it out yourself then go shopping for rims if you need to change them. most aftermarket wheel companies work not only on patterns but on spacing and measuring it yourself will assure you of finding something that will fit. Don't forget to measure the backspace measurement as well. I have to have 6 1/2 inch backspace on my rear 15 x 10 wheels. I could go 7 1/2 inches but then the sidewalls of my 28 x 12 x 15 ET Streets would rub on the inside. I had to put a gentle flare on the outside rear fender lips for clearance on the top of the wheelwell to meet Maine state inspection requirements plus the drag springs raised the rear and front of the car up about 1/2 inch over stock height. If you need traction I would suggest going here: However since I can get a stock six cylinder Bonneville, a stock Suzuki Aero, a stock new Monte, a stock Chrysler Sebring all to hook up by dropping the front tire pressure to about 14 pounds and raising the rear tire pressure to 45... I see no reason why the stock prius tires will not hook at the tract until you have at least 50 more horse or 500 pounds of weight reduction. In a front drive car you do not need to worry about "cupping from low tire pressure (within reason), as the front weight offloads under hard acceleration unlike a rear wheel drive vehicle on which the tires will cup to to the rapid increase of weight on the rear sidewalls. Simply avoid the waterbox (people hate it when front wheel drive cars drag water up to the starting line), and keep the air conditioning off so you do not drip water on the track. Trust me on this... I have 45 winner trophies in the last eight years and another 22 runner ups...