So my battery died over the weekend, got it towed to Toyota and they replaced the 12v battery. I went out to start the car today and the lights come on like it normally would but the engine doesn't kick on. When I shut it off the P D R N don't shut off and just keep blinking. No triangle of death or anything.... any ideas? I can't really afford another tow..
I think he is referring to the combo meter that has the speedometer and the warning lights. If it goes bad, there can be unusual symptoms.
I would not think so. Perhaps the new 12 volt battery was not fully charged. When you turn on the car, is the READY light lit?
I don't think it does as the brake won't got to the floor to shift and no engine kicks on. When I try and turn it off the park, drive etc lights stay on and keep flashing and the center console stays on too.
You may want to disconnect the 12v battery to see if you can get it to shut off before it drains the battery.
I went back out and finally got it to go off. I put the key in instead of leaving it out and it turned off. Still won't start right but least the battery not drainimg
It still opens the doors and everything fine and if it was bad it should still start when the keys inserted right?
Have you got a multimeter? Check the voltage, at the under-hood jump start point is fine. A brand new battery, it should be reading at least 12.6. It does kinda sound like some sort of parasitic drain, to chime in.
Got it to Prius today. They said it was most likely caused by ice build up on the brake relay switch. They couldn't find any other issue so hopefully that's it.