When I picked up my 06 Toyota Prius on 1 July 06, I was ready to take on the world and uncertain whether I could hit 50 mpg for a tank after applying all I had read from John1701a, efusco, Danman32, xcel, hobbit, ken1784, and many other experienced hybrid drivers on greenhybrid.com, priuschat.com, and priusonline.com. Well according to the MFD on my first tank, I got 53.5 mpg after 490.6 miles. The dealer may have short filled the tank; my calculated mpg was 45.5. Bladder effect? Seems too far off to be the bladder. The temperatures were about the same during at fill-ups. Well, I am 459 miles into my second tank and I am showing 64.1 mpg. Wow, is all I can say. Using starting and stopping miles and mpg’s, I have been averaging about 75 mpg for the last 240 miles of this tank. I should have enough time and temperature on my hands to go for an 800 mile tank next month during my commutes to work. Maybe then I can join ranks of those that need a hobby. Please don’t take this as gloating, I think I am starting to connect with this little car and I am excited as well. My wife doesn’t understand. As an aside, should I feel wasteful when we drive my wife’s car and it only get 26 mpg. I feel like I have to wash my hands when I get out. He he. Yes, thank (insert religious icon here) that it is summer here, it doesn’t rain too often, I don’t make short trips, I ride by myself most of the time, my commute takes about 30-35 minutes, I can drive in 25-45 mph zones with mostly no one behind me, I roll the windows down for fresh air (no A/C), and I have my tires at 42F/40R (psi). The oil level is at the full mark and I am using conventional oil until my 5000 mile oil change. What kind of numbers will next summer bring with a broken in car and synthetic oil? For those wondering how the hell anyone can get so many miles per tank (me included), I read a good write-up, which had pictures, a good description of pulse and glide, formulas for glide distance needed to achieve a certain mpg based on pulse distance and mpg for the pulse (I put them in an excel spreadsheet if anyone wants it. I also put the basic formulas to let you know what mpg you get for a trip based on starting and stopping miles and mpg values). Maybe someone can post a link to it or make it a sticky here. Yes, winter is coming, I am very new to this, and I have a lot to learn. Thank you for sharing in my excitement. Chris
Congrats, glad to hear someone else loving their car as much as I do mine. I have a little to many combined driving miles to make your numbers, but I am getting the low 60's pretty consistently. Love the Barcelona Red color of your's too. Good Luck with the winter numbers
Thank you for your reply. I have seen your impresseive numbers on other forums. I will see what 20F does to my tank and lifetime gas mileage this winter. Only if Florida wasn't so humid; you might get away with your windows down during the summer. Winter mileage should be great for you. That is unless you need a jacket when it is less the 80F (due to your thin florida blood). Chris
Cool! Impressive numbers. I get similar numbers to and from work, but short trips during weekends and weeknights kills the average. I've been contemplating taking my g.f. car for shorter trips to keep my FE up but that would still use a lot mor gas in total (she get's maybe 30 in her focus).