Where do I register for Toyota Roadside Assistance? How do I contact them if I need assistance, and what is included in its assistance? How do I know exactly when it runs out? The dealer doesn't know, didn't even know that my donut-less Four has 3 years, not just one.
You should have received information when you bought your car. It is part of their warranty services. ToyotaCare: No Cost Maintenance Plan & Roadside Assistance
Thank you! I went to the Toyota Owner site and registered. Dealer must have entered my information upon sale because I was able to find all the information about the roadside assistance.
The in-service date on your purchase form is the start date. (Although the Toyota website is confusing....it says 2 years from date of first use... so if you never require roadside assistance, it's still valid?)
welcome! i got a couple tags for my key fob with a plastic card with the owners manual back in 2012. has the dates of coverage, 800 number and etc.
I had an email from Toyota yesterday to say that my Roadside Assistance is coming to an end soon. It seems in the UK we only get 1 year ..... not that I go very far anyway
That's the AA roadside assistance, you can renew it every year. I think the OP was talking about the Toyota Roadside assistance app on the Nav.
We get free 2 years of ToyotaCare maintenance including roadside assistance when purchasing a new Prius.
If you have the magic button up by the rear view mirror — Safety Connect, I think — best not to assume the dealer registered you automatically. Mine did not. That is free for just a year, then $80 thereafter. Not a great deal in year two since you have the free Toyota Care then anyway, but not so bad in year 3 and beyond— since the $80 includes towing and such as well as button functionality and associated features like automatic calls with airbag deployment and stolen care tracking. I think ...
I got paperwork in the mail and went on line and had trouble registering. I went to the dealer and they told me they registered me and I didn't have to do anything. I put the phone number in my cell phone. My insurance has towing and I have a couple of local towing services in my phone as well.
A bit confusing as the email states "Your Toyota Roadside Assistance expires soon", so is that the name they are giving to AA cover? Whatever it is I will not be renewing
Yes, in the UK the AA cover is called Toyota Roadside assistance and it's the full AA package, home start, relay etc. at about £60 last year (IIRC) that's half the price that the AA charge , worth having IMO for just over £1 a week just for peace of mind.
Notes I took regarding our Toyota (Canada) road side assistance card: ---- Front side of card: Roadside Assistance 1-888-TOYOTA-8 (1-888-869-6828) Mechanical Breakdown Towing * Accident Towing * Boost a dead battery * Provide Key lockout service * Deliver gasoline if stranded * Change a flat tire * Winching from a ditch Rear of card: When calling Toyota Roadside assistance you should have the following information ready: * Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) * Odometer reading *Location of your vehicle (address or intersection). * Service required 24 hour Nationwide assistance including Canada and the continental United States of America ----
I checked my auto insurance online, and when my roadside expires with Toyota I can add it to my insurance policy for some ridiculously cheap amount, like $3 every 6 months.