I’m looking for good quality spacers. My rear wheels are more tucked in due to the offset of +48 on my Weds. What kind of spacers do you recommend? Thanks in advance.
I know there’s an old thread about cambers. But I’ve noticed my rear are negative and tilted inward after installing my weds looking it from the rear after I crouched down. Anyway are there any camber kits or bolts for the Gen 3? Or it can’t be adjusted?
I believe are camber bolts/plates for the front and camber plates/shims for the rear. Stock adjustments are very limited.
Thanks. That’s what I thought. I just wanted to straighten out the rear since it’s tilted and it might affect the inner thread.
No thanks. I don’t think I need spacers anymore since the bottom edge of the tires is almost aligned flush near my side fenders.
What’s it at right now? As long as it isn’t absurd like -4+, you’ll be fine. It’s bad toe that kills tires, -1 — -2 camber is ok on your tires.
The angle LR is -1 and RR is -1.6.... Toe is LR 0.2 and RR -0.3... this was last year in April. I’ll get it aligned again soon this month again.
i had 17x8 +32. it only comes out 3mm more then my old set up w/ a 25mm spacer. my current wheels come out 32mm more then ur current set up.