Hello Gents, 1st post here. I've been looking for this part but I'm not having any luck... Anyone know where to get this? I discovered yesterday while I am replacing my front suspension that one of my passenger suspension strut bolt is not OEM anymore. I suspected that it has been replaced by my local go to auto shop during one of the service that I have with them. Thanks in advance!
I just got off the phone with my go to shop, they actually have it replace with EZ-cam bolt purposely for wheel alignment. My bad... please consider this thread close.
The part numbers are in the Suspension section of the repair manual: part numbers, plural, in a little table, because which bolts you use in the top and bottom position are how you adjust camber. (The aftermarket "EZ-cam" idea sounds like an interesting alternative to keeping several different bolts on hand.) -Chap
The explanation of the mechanic is that, he has to replace the original bolt so achieve the wheel alignment due to minor hit on the passenger side fender. I notice after the minor accident the car is pulling to the left, so i assume that an EZ-cam was the fix... though, im having 2nd thought because why should he use an ez-cam to achieve a wheel balance?
I changed the strut assemblies on my 2008 and didn't do a front end alignment and it was fine. I never heard about those special bolts but can see where they would be helpful if the front end had some damage.
Did you at least have the alignment checked after the job, to confirm your instinct that it was fine? Bob Wilson years ago pointed out a kind of neat program Firestone has, where you can go and get one alignment check done (for which you pay a bit extra), and after that they'll do lifetime checks for you, so it's easy to go get a re-check if you've done some work on the suspension. -Chap
Thanks for all your input, so I just came back from another auto shop close to my office for an alignment, to my surprise, i was not given any report... the guy just told me its way off... and i insisted for the report for my reference ad he said, they did not save it... the alignment comes with 90 days warranty as per the guy. From this thread, he has 3 page report... and me, not a single thing. Prius pulling to the right | PriusChat
No I didn't. When I tore apart there were no adjustments anywhere and I went on line and it said the only real adjustment was toe in and toe out and I didn't mess with it. Like I said it was fine except it rode better with the new strut assemblies. It is a very basic system and easy to do. Old cars seemed like they always needed an alignment but the newer ones seem to do better. Old cars always had ball joint and tie rod ends going bad, you don't hear much of that today. I don't have my cars checked when I put new tires on unless the old tires were wearing funny.
Lol.....hey your suspension is way out......well ok can I see the numbers.........no I didn’t write them down. Holy shite that’s stupid. Put the car in D punch it and get the hell out of that place.
its a private shop. seriously, do i need to go back to the shop and insist for the report? its my 1st time doing alignment and i did my research that is why i asked for the report. I was caught off guard when the guy told me that he did not save the report and I paid already. On a slightly positive side, it has 90 days warranty plus I drove back home for 20 miles and the drive felt a little bit better, it felt the pull to the left is gone.
I joked about it because that’s ridiculous. I have had cars aligned for years and there’s always a report they will show you exactly where the front end is. In fact I use Tire Kingdom a lot and one car I had was a real pain they couldn’t get the camber right and brought me out to there new machine and showed me what they were struggling with. So get involved and do some research so you understand what’s going on under there and demand to See what your paying for. But my joke was they are not very good and I would go elsewhere. Every tire shop out there has a alignment rack it’s big business.
I actually look forward to the alignment report that everyone is talking about especially after any self-administered suspension work. My last suspension work yielded all alignment adjustments, prealignment, within tolerance except one. But I am a self-admitted nerd in this way.
After the stealer replaced a front bearing on my daughter's Corolla, I asked to see the report as I checked out. Lots of paper fumbling and then they said they didn't print one. The service manager told them to put it back on the machine and print one. 30 minutes later they admitted when the put it back on the machine it had already gone out of alignment so they had to redo. Brought the printout this time. Right . . . .