Hi everyone: Thought that you might be interested in this fascinating English advertisement that explains how the Prius works. You can find it at www.guardian.co.uk/prius
A nice article. I find it interesting that they are letting the Prius into London for free. I had assumed the fee was to cause enough pain in the wallet to reduce the # of vehicles thus alleviating congestion. This move suggests they are doing it only to decrease air pollution.
Couldn't it also be to reduce noise pollution? Though I suppose that's a rather minor side benefit. Also, it could help pedestrian safety since, unlike other cars, getting hit by a Prius is like getting a great big hug... from your 3000 brother.
oooooh i c... that would be something similiar to a 450 lb gorilla? i dont see how a Prius would do less damage to a pedestrian in a collision although i guess because of the slope of the nose, objects would tend to bounce and deflect up and over the car easier. kinda like the cowcatchers on old freight locomotives?? personally, i dont care about the pedestrian, i would never risk damage to my Prius!!