I was shocked today when I learned how smart my 08 Prius is. Here was the story: I just returned from work and was drove the car on my up sloped drive way towaqrd the garage. I had to stop the car on the slope with the food on the brake because my wife was shoveling the sknow in fron of the car. My wife came to the car and opened the driver side door and asked me to temporarily park the car on the area the sknow had been shoveled. As sudden, the car beepped and the dead Red Triangle showed up on the screen with a warning text "Danger Pakring the Car on the Slope!". I was a little scared seeing the dead Red Triange and througt the something was seriously wrong with the car. I closed the door and asked my wife gave me the way and then drove the car right into the gararge. Once the car was in the gararge, the Red Triangle dispeared from the screen and there was nothing wrong the car. Wow, I told myself, this is a really a smart car that knows the car is on a slope under the snow condition. Whatelse will the car know?
The triangle probably lit up because your wife opened the car door while you were in drive. Not that it's smart
Hey, my car knows me. All I have to do is walk near it at night and it turns on the interior light to say hello. Doesn't do that for anyone else...
My car is so smart it has a sunglass holder in the roof console, and the Owners' Manual says "Do not store sunglasses in the compartment". That's not very smart.
Mine is so smart that it automatically switches the air from recirculated to fresh every time I fart!
Since I wear eyeglasses with transition lenses I use that sunglass holder to store small packs of tissues. I guess I was following the manual without even reading that page.
My Prius must still be a little insecure, I find I must stroke it before i leave and it beeps to thank me for caring.
Unlike a garbage truck that tells everyone in the neighborhood at 4am it's backing up, my Prius tells me.