Hello Everyone- I am very interested in some technical info the optional Solar Roof Panel that was available in the US for the 2010 models. Does anyone have a schematic or a wiring diagram for the system? Does the AC fan that the solar panel powers also work for the normal AC system? Can it charge the battery? I appreciate any information anyone has.
The solar panel runs the fan and it's the same fan as the climate control. Trim levels with the solar roof option have a beefed up fan motor to deal with the expected heavier use of the fan. It cannot charge the HV or 12V batteries. It's strictly for ventilation. There is a button on the remote fob to enable the A/C compressor for additional cooling. The owner can run the A/C to further cool the interior prior to entry. (But the A/C compressor will run off the HV battery, not the solar panel)
Thanks so much!! Sounds like a great system. Do you have a schematic that shows how things are connected? Since it is the same fan that runs the normal AC, that must mean it could run just off battery power, just off solar power, or both, right?
It looks like RRxing potentially has the thing you're looking for? If you're talking about running the fan motor via solar power while the vehicle is running, I guess it's technically possible but it'll only be the fan motor itself. The A/C compressor still runs off the HV battery. On the Prius Prime/PHV sold in Japan and Europe, it has a full length roof-mounted solar panel that charges a small NiMH battery under the rear seat, which in turn, charges the HV battery while the vehicle is parked. While the vehicle is in motion, the NiMH battery charges the 12V battery that runs the accessories (lights, fan, radio etc)
Thanks everyone for your replies. I did actually pay to join the techinfo site (only $15 for a 2 day membership) and found exactly what I was looking for. I have attached the schematic and description I found in case anyone else besides me is interested