Fell in love with our 2013 C (with only 22k miles). Especially with the weekly $10 fill up. Highway and rural streets, it’s all smiles since I took possession about a month ago. Then, I get hit. We’ll call the other party ‘chuckles’. I’m not entirely convinced he even saw me when he changed lanes. Got a healthy driver side impact but the police were very professional, documented the other party is at fault and insurance concurred. Heading into the shop for the initial inspection / estimate. I’m just glad I could drive it away - chuckles wasn’t so fortunate with their ride. Anyone ever attempt to claim depreciation after an accident? How about this business of removing the HV and 12V from the vehicle before it goes in the oven for paint to cure? Really impressed with how the little C held up. Appreciate your thoughts! Seal2
Sorry to see that. Research "diminished value" as that varies by state. Line up a Prius rental for the duration.
bummer! glad you're okay. i think removing the battery before going in the oven is a good idea. what do they turn it up to?
Appreciate the feedback - sounds like the insurance company has a specific department to engage with diminished value claims so we're good there. No clue on the max temperature they crank the thermostat up to cure the paint but the body shop was familiar with the procedures so I think we're in good shape. Will advise the eta for repairs to be completed and out the door cost(s) for those interested. Seal2
Our place has never made mention of baking, maybe they don't do it? Our baby's in there as we speak (minor "bumper" scrape), picking it up in a couple of hours. This is session number three, and I'm really sure they've never done anything pre-emptive like hybrid battery removal.
Repair estimate is just shy of $3k. The shop said it's standard practice to disconnect the HV and 12V batteries from the applicable hybrid vehicles, but the temperatures that they used to cure the paint won't require removal / re-installation of the batteries. May want to call the shoppe Mendel and ask about ensuring the batteries are disconnected, then reconnected after the paint cures at a minimum? Now for the next step of claiming DV. Seal2
as long as it's a toyota shoppe, they should be following toyota protocol. my shoppe doesn't bake the paint either.
+1. Don't let just any job shop disconnect and reconnect the traction battery (if needed). That's something Toyota dealerships have the knowledge and training to do.
I was just reading about baking paint and it seems that is just used to force dry the paint mostly for production purposes. Some shops like in Arizona just push them outside in the hot sun to do the same thing.. I used to paint cars many years ago but all the materials have changed and am out of touch with modern materials.