These are being examined, but at coarse scales in time and space. Here, a call for upgrading our efforts: We need one global network of 1000 stations to build an Earth observatory No surprise that I'd agree. Cost mentioned by Dr. Kulmala is 10-20 Billion Euros; comparable to Large Hadron Collider or proposed US/MX border wall (don't blame me - he said it). My perspective is to upgrade existing ~500 FLUXNET stations and add more where needed. I did suggest similar to FLUXNET boss last year. To which he predictably said "we don't have the money". So there it is. If success of human enterprise can be improved by such knowledge, it is available for purchase. Adequate hardware is available. I have no doubt that >100 grad schools around the world that do this stuff could get enough staff trained in short order. == There is more, of course. Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth surface and exchanges happen there also. Near-surface measurement could be made from ships in transit or moored buoys. High-level from some commercial overflights (bolt this pod under your wing and push a button). Look at this from planetary perspective. Any country can choose to make superb measurements for its area. Publish papers. But, wind, y'know? Things go somewhere else. Measure and model
Hello Joseph. You're new here - please let us know you better. == I do have concerns that if we focus on only +CO2 +T and +sea level, we might fail to learn very important things about everything else that could affect success of human enterprise. I have been shaking these maracas for a while here, but those other two extremes (we gonna die vs. its all a hoax) attract so much more attention.