I have Prius 2016 model Awd version and I am getting multiple malfunction errors for the past couple of days like. Hybrid malfunction system. Awd malfunction and Pre crash safety malfunction I bought that car from pakistan only 4000km driven Japanese model car is still on the road without any trouble i take it to a maintenance guy u scanned it with scanner the error goes away for couple of days but they are back today again can anyone please help me on that
Rodents chewing cables, or undercarriage scraped something? Any minor accident, that could have jarred something loose? Just a thought.
If your maintenance guy isn't familiar with the 2016 Prius a dealership might give you better advice. However, it will possiblycost you unless you're under warranty. Good luck..
Happened to me. The dealer read the codes, and it was a faulty BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH. Replaced 12 months ago, no problem since.
If you can get the error codes, that would help. Otherwise, I'd check the regular 12V lead-acid car battery as a first guess.
The two possibilities mentioned can easily be checked. Use a voltmeter to check the 12V battery. It should read 12.5V or more after sitting overnight (with the car off). When you turn the car on (turn on the "ready" light) it should go to about 14.0V. The brake light switch is checked by having someone watching the brake lights as you slowly depress the brake pedal - you can also use a mirror behind the car to watch when or if the brake lights come on.
The four wheel drive version of your car is not imported into the United States. It's hard to tell what is different about it. Here is an excellent source of repair information. Auto Repair Online Manuals - Vehicle Year Selection - Mitchell 1 DIY
I use a simple method to check all of my lights on a regular basis, parking lights, tail lights, brake lights, reverse lights. When I am in a shopping center at night I can usually find a parking spot in front of a store window where I can see my car's reflection in the window. I then cycle through all of the lights to make sure they are working. Then I turn the car around and do the same check on the rear lights, which I can easily see in my rearview mirror
As far as I know, the Repair Manual, New Car Features, and Electrical Wiring Diagram sections related to E-Four have been published only in Japanese, since Toyota sells the four-wheel drive Prius (ZVW55) as a new car only in Japan. The U.S. and European editions of the service information do not include this material. I’d suggest buying a 電子技術マニュアル (Electronic Technical Manual) disc for the Prius ZVW5# series, part numbers SC3220J (December 2015), SC3221J (August 2016), or SC3222J (November 2017), sold by dealers and parts distributors in Japan. These are sometimes available on Yahoo! Japan auctions, but you may need to use an agency, since many of the sellers don’t deal with foreigners. If the problem isn’t related to four-wheel drive, the European service information covers right-hand drive vehicles and is available by subscription to toyota-tech.eu.
I didn't actually have an "obvious" problem with the brake lights. I can tell if they're working when I reverse out of my driveway, there is a reflectorised sign opposite and they were working fine. The car just registered ONE INSTANCE of a malfunction with the switch. It sent a message to the computer which came up with Multiple Malfunctions - only once. When the malfunction came up, I don't recall that I'd touched the brakes - driving along at about 50km/hr in a dead flat back street - I could be wrong on that, and I was probably using DRCC, so it could have braked?
Thank you friends for all the feed back just got it repaired the air inverter on the back got busted without any reason have to change the whole thing cost around 1200$
Dear, Can you give more explanation about (air inverter on the back)?? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.