...And I am sure I am running 10-15% Ethanol from the dealership. I will be putting 100% Gasoline after I run this tank empty - that should add a little MPG Also I am just learning how to drive it to maximize MPG. I am expecting a respectable increase in MPG as I acquire that Skill Set. I love my new car- Very Solid, Comfortable and responsive to drive. She is no Hot Rod, but she acquits herself very well in real world traffic, both surface streets, roads, and Freeway.
And, I am convinced, that Pure Gas is better for the engine and everything it touches. In all my other vehicles except my truck, I get Obsessive about Horsepower, Torque, Speed and Acceleration. In my Eco I am going to get obsessive about my MPG . . . BYW- All the above drove BOTH of my Ex-Wives NUTZ...When we first met they thought it was 'cute'- after a fews years they hated it...go Figure . . .lol.
It depends on the state. In OK the summer blend price difference runs about $0.25 more for E0. It's everywhere here. When I first got my 2010 Prius, I did a lot of testing to see if my Prius could take advantage of the extra BTU's in E0 vs the cheaper price of E10. With hypermiling techniques, I was able to justify E0 being cheaper to use. I discussed this a lot in old threads back in 2009-2010 here but I'm not digging them up again. That was back when I did 800+ miles on a single tank. I was not able to do that on E10. I agree and it's so much easier to find here. It's hard for those that don't have easy access to it to understand.