I ran into this car review of the 9 Used Cars You Should NEVER Buy You can watch the whole thing if you want but pay attention to #9
Don't waste your time. He has no idea, just a teenager with opinions, and little knowledge. I looked at one someone sent to me. He "abused" PRIUS - has many comments to the contrary. I commented that it was inappropriate to talk about PRIUS the way he did - he commented back and said including PRIUS was "a JOKE". Libellous really - and that's not the only car he's been quite wrong on. He also "abused" VOLVO 740 - a car which would, today be going on 30 or more years old. An old car, almost classic. And needing tender loving care to keep going. No, don't waste your time.
I spent some time reading his reviews and thre were some Prius haters there but there wasn't one Prius owner that agreed with him. Even people who didn't own a Prius that were informed told him he was wrong.
The monotone delivery... The useless video of him driving around... The punchable face... No - I will NOT subscribe to your channel if this is an example of your puerile nonsense...
I think it is sad that everyone can get an audience from their little soapbox. Individual craziness used to be confined to your local area only and everyone in the area knew to ignore that person(s). Now the crazy is free to flow to the whole world.
hmm... didn't like anything about him or his video, but a used prius or any ev? i would think twice. maybe i'm jaded by gas prices.
Most of the country has been "jaded" by gas prices in the last 3 or 4 years. The result at least, in my area, are parking lots full of fuel guzzling trucks and SUVs. I take considerable reassurance driving along in my Prius in the knowledge that the $2.00-$2.50/gal gas prices are currently (and historically) held artificially low by enormous government subsidies, because at the current price per barrel the oil companies return on investment is essentially zero without the subsidies. Equally tied to gas prices being held at artificially low levels is the economy in general, which would pop like the bubble it is without them.
After gas prices dropped a while back I had a guy I worked with say, " With gas prices so cheap now I bet you would have never bought that car". I told him I like the car well enough that I would buy it again no matter what the gas prices are. I have seven cars and a truck but I always drive the Prius. None of my other vehicles are good on gas or as practical as driving the Prius.
Not sure if it's going to be an ongoing trend, but here, most capital cities have a price cycle for petrol, has been going down almost daily to a low of maybe $1.04/litre to a high 2 weeks later (jumps up overnight) of $1.40 - cycles of 3-5 unpredictable weeks. The trick is to fill when it's cheapest, quite possible with a PRIUS when I get 1000+km from a tank. Last 2 months, it didn't drop anything like as much - only to $1.29, and went to a high of $1.50 - effectively 12-25% increase.
As we transition from oil to electric vehicles it will be an interesting ride. One of the reasons I bought my first Prius is I knew this country had to change it's ways about oil. Too many wars were started because of it and it is a distraction from where we should be going. I called my first Prius my protest vehicle because of all the trouble in the Middle East, I wanted an electric car then but the Prius would do until the time is right for all electric.
OPEC can go away for all I care. They no longer dictate how much my working income goes back to them. I dictate when I will buy gas and how much I will pay for it (doing like others do, filling up when prices are down as much as possible).
I'm retired and don't travel much and my wife doesn't run with the girls like most women so we keep our gas expendatures low most months.
I live among "red necks". They are crying loudly as on Jan. 1 the "carbon tax" increased by $0.02/litre. As Alan posted, the price for fuel fluctuates here more than $0.20/litre "just because" (currently at about $1.035/litre). The carbon tax increase isn't even noticeable, but the news media reporting of it causes the crying. Oh, and diesel has much higher carbon tax added. The kid's attitude reminds me of the nut who was kicked off British TV, but at least his attitude was for entertainment purposes.
It's marketing - petrol is the fuel most Mums&Dads use, most non-PRIUS owners have to fill up weekly - and most people aren't able to buy only at the low part of the cycle - the fuel companies make more profit. Though, the service stations less so - I went to one to get a couple of litres for my mower - the forecourt was empty - I commented, the sales guy said - yep, price went sky-high this morning, nobody will fill up till they absolutely have to - and we have a lot of customers in the next couple of days just putting an annoying few dollars in hoping the price will drop. Diesel - yes, it's interesting, it's distilled from the same Crude Oil - but the price barely varies - it'll stay the same price for months on end, then move only a cent or 5.
Almost as many wars as we're caused by religious differences? But diesel oil is almost the same as fuel furnace oil for domestic/commercial hearing systems. Price can fluctuate in ol' Blighty in the colder months.
If the kid is talking about Gen2/3, I'd say his attitude pretty "accurate" or typical. For the Gen4, strivng for better reception among car enthusiasts, Toyota ditched the Gen2/3 utlilitarian design and went for sporty and peppy driving, and better MPG. But I could have given up a few MPG for more space, and less sport. I had failed to make a YouTiube video about that, apparently.