looking to buy a 2012 Prius C with 112,000 miles. Used a handheld scanner and no codes, however the ABS seems kind of odd. When you go pretty fast (30MPH) and hit the brakes with moderate urgency, the anti lock engages like if you were on ice. I am not putting on enough pressure on the pedal to actually make the tires lock up though. Seems if the ABS is "jumping the gun" a bit to make it stop. Is this a normal behavior for a C? I have had a few older Prius and never noticed this behavior. Thanks for any feedback
A vehicle that is also equipped with traction control and stability control may not act as you expect under moderate braking. Having old hard tires will make even more likely to feel strange. Brake pads that are almost gone can make it grab sooner than you think it should too. Having said all that.......I think an inspection by an 3rd party would probably be in order. If there is a major problem with the brake system, repair can be VERY expensive sometimes.
Thank you for the reply - I am going to check out the brake pads, but I have a feeling that they will be ok as it only has 112,000 miles, but that makes sense. I do not have an opportunity to get it checked out, as it is an auction situation. Tires were ok - not great, not worn out.
You hear stories about brakes lasting over 200,000 miles in a Prius but mine didn't on my 2008 Prius. Your brakes should be inspected at every tire rotation, especially the front ones.
Thing to look at with a scan tool is graphing all four wheel speeds. If you don't see one wheel slowing down more than the others when the ABS activates, it may be that the zero-point calibration needs to be redone. If the car sees some yaw from a G sensor while in a hard brake, it may intervene to keep the car straight. If you do see one wheel slowing more than the others, it's either really slipping, or there could be rust/road debris built up on the sensor, rust under the sensor that increases the air gap, etc.
looked a bit closer and the front lining looks worn out - tough to really see through the hubcaps and rims, but they do look very low, and the car ONLY HAS 101,000 miles! We will see if I get it. Engine a bit noisy as well, was a company car for an engineering firm, so was likely driven harder than a little Prius C was intended