I'm not sure if this is a Western NY or price point/ condition issue ($2800, $750 and $1000 and all three vehicles needed work) but I was surprised to find that the last three inexpensive 2nd generation Prius I purchased initially required inserting the fobs into the slot for starting and obviously no remote lock operation simply because of a dead fob battery! A new fob battery restored full SKS & remote operation to all three vehicles. One of the prior owners even worked for a locksmith! I find the full SKS functionality on the Prius to be a major benefit for these cars and well worth the $2 battery!
When acquiring a unknown, it’s best to look into all aspects of maintenance. Certainly the fob battery would be # 1
Off topic. No response necessary. You collect Toyota Prius? By the looks of it you had a lot of different models. Just wondering why?
It's OK... I have four of 'em, a 2001, 2 - 2002s and a 2005. I've come to the conclusion that I won't buy any other vehicle but a Pruis...
I have to admit, after sitting in my better half's cousin's Tesla, I'd push my Prius over a cliff for one!