This is my 3rd Prius - Not very happy right now. I picked up the car on December 20th - my third Prius. On December 29th I had it back to the dealer to have then replace the clear film protection on the drivers mirror. No big deal, just a little wrinkled - they washed the car and all was good with the world. That night my wife went to the movies, it was very cold, about -5 degrees. As we left the car was sitting all by itself in the parking lot and everything was fine...after a cold drive home I pulled into my garage, as I got out I was stunned! WTH! My bumper on the driver side was hanging off and had been flapping in the wind. I could not believe my eyes. We did not hit anything, the roads where clear...the bumper is cracked where it flopped about. After I took these photos I pushed it back on and it clipped itself in more or less OK...but the damage is pretty bad. First thing Saturday I took it to my dealer - they are tap dancing and not saying much - I have to meet with the manager Tuesday to try and get this covered...the car had 750 mils on it when the bumper simply blew off on the driver side. I'm expecting a battle to get this fixed...we shall see. I see a few folks had mentioned a loose may want to get your dealer step up...I know I'm pretty nervous right now that they are going to say it's not a defect - I clearly believe it is - NOTHING touched this car and there are no marks of any kind that would indicate road debris, etc hit the car...
Wth?! They broke it, they bought it. I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience! Please post the name and address of the stealership so we all know who to avoid like the plague. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I will follow up tomorrow after I meet with the manager. I want to give them a chance to step up. However, I expect this will need to get elevated to the district Toyota rep... We shall see. I will update as events warrant. Dealing with Luther Brookdale Toyota in Brooklyn Center, MN
toyota bumper covers have terrible clip design. after a front end accident, they have not been able to get my wife's hycam bumper to stay on. 3 tries and counting. all the best!
When your wife was at the movies....are you sure she wasn’t street racing Looks like somebody hit you, somewhere, like while parked at the movies.
Right, I see 2 parallel lines that look like scrape marks in that 2nd photo. I would guess someone nudged your car just enough to loosen the bumper cover, which was then further loosened by the wind on your drive home.
Yes, I spotted those marks too - they don't look like they'd be caused by it flapping. A bumper is designed to flex to protect the panels behind, but in so doing may easily either distort the mounts behind or unclip the clips. If you look behind these 2 marks, is there any panel damage?
You might want to go back to where the car was parked maybe there are some security cameras with footage while the car was parked.
Not scrape marks - it's salt drool/dirt - I just double checked - of course the first thing I did Saturday morning is look it over with a "fine tooth comb" to be sure there was no faint marks or nicks. When I approached the after the movie it was all by itself - when I parked I pulled into a space with cars on both sides well spaced away form me...pretty unlikely either of those cars would have hit it.
Hope you haven't submitted the customer satisfaction survey--just in case. Looks like someone needs to start designing in "more function" and "less style".
Keep in mind the temps where below zero - so once the bumper was flapping it cracked - frankly I'm surprised it was still on the car. In hind sight I wish I would have waited till morning to push it back in on, I kind of put it in place and it easily popped back on that night... a better look behind the panel and at the mounting tabs in daylight would have been a smarter move, I do know that it looks like one of the lower panel tabs was broke before I put it back in I'm not willing to pull it back off unless Toyota sees it done and can see for themselves what is found...besides it' far to cold to be messing with it now.
Pearl, a GII, had the rear bumper cover come loose after I ran over a truck tire tread (retread failure). I popped it back in place with no damage as I caught it right away. The tread "rolled" under the car and caught the rear bumper cover as it exited. If the dealer had the rear bumper cover off they are probably responsible, having not fastened it properly.
True. Was clear film protection applied to the rear bumper, either by dealer or port installed? They may have removed and replaced the bumper incorrectly.
About 15 years ago, I left work and drove a quick 100 mile trip to deliver some items. I didn't park, just left truck running at front door of each of the three businesses and came back home. It wasn't till I got home that I finally noticed a huge 2 foot long dent running down the LEFT bottom of the side panel of the truck bed just behind the cab. Somebody hit me at one of those businesses? But the left side was facing the front door so there wasn't a parking lot or street between the truck and the business. WTH??? A few days later while telling some co-workers my story, I sheepish lady confessed that her 16 year old daughter had come to pick her up and smashed into my truck while attempting to park. We settled up, got it repaired, and all was right again.
Conclusion. Nothing to see here folks, move along. After I washed it and gave it a good rub down the evidence was pretty obvious - kind of embarrassed I didn't see it sooner, but indeed the car was hit and the donkey fled. The cold temps ( -10 degrees) likely caused a very minor strike to crack the bumper and fracture a few clips, the car did look OK as I walked up to it but I did not see it from the back where presumably I may have seen the cracks. No doubt the drive home popped the bumper open giving me the false impression that it was a manufacture/assembly flaw that happened on it's own. Once I got it truly clean the real evidence was on the black lower with very VERY light marks to the left of the lower crack. One good thing about Blizzard really hides the scratches . Police report filed, security camera tape requested, estimate done ($1500), and a comp claim made. Toyota we good - sorry I doubted you ...Two Gen 3's (2011 & 2014 II's) with 160K trouble free fuel sipping miles between them - I walked by a 2017 Gen 4 - 4 in Blizzard Pearl/Moonstone with a Moonroof and JBL and decided I needed to treat myself to a new set of wheels. I expect this one will be the one I hang on to long term.