I have a 2015 Prius C “3” and had Goodyear Assurance tires on it that had 50k miles on them and I always got 50mpg no matter what. So I got four new Bridgestone Ecopias and my mileage went in the toilet, can’t get over 40mpg and I have the same air pressure as before 35 front and 33 back.... is there some breakin period? I have maybe 125 miles on them so far.
welcome! some say there is, maybe it depends on the tire. one thing i'm always concerned about after a tyre change is brakes and wheel bearings. make sure they didn't over tighten the lug bolts, and feel the wheels after a drive to make sure they aren't warm. if it is break in, might take a few thousand miles. also, a new tire has a larger diameter, so the odometer is affected.
Did the temp. go way down after you got the tires put on? Once I put tires on just as winter started and was panicked to see my mpg's go down but it was because it got so cold. After things warmed up the mpg's went back up.
We know the mileage and max pressure ratings of the Ecopia 444 plus varies depending on the country of manufacture. It would not surprise me of the tire weight varies too. In what country were your tires manufactured? I think the Japanese Ecopias have the lowest ratings. They are OEM on some Gen 4 Prius cars.
I second temperature, if it’s 20 below and the coldest you drove in was 5 you will see an immense drop
I had a set of the Ecopias for thousands of miles and averaged 52 mpg on them. I have a 2013 c. I even had them on 16s and still got the improvement. (My aftermarket wheels are lighter than the stock.) As everyone else said, mileage plummets in the cold, but I’m still thinking that something is wrong with you not getting over 40 mpg. I’m not even sure how to make my c get 40. I guess I could let the car warm up for 20 minutes, maybe forcing the heat to run so that the engine does, and then go for a 5-mile drive... My point is that not getting over 40 mpg doesn’t make sense, regardless of weather and tires (and outside of irresponsible driving behavior)... iPhone ?
Okay an update, so I drove my car another 100 miles (about 250 miles on them) and the mileage kind of started started creeping up. At 70-75mph I was getting 48.4mpg and its like 23 degrees out. So I will keep an eye on things and will repost as I get more mileage on them. They do ride pretty quiet, and other then the milage issue i was experiencing no other complaints. The exact tire Part number is Bridgestone ECOPIA EP422 Plus BL 175/65R15 84H rated at 70,000 miles.
The tires do need to wear in a bit - ecopias have a lot of razor-sharp edges on them. But the cold this time of year is going to have a way larger MPG impact than the tires are. One thing to keep in mind about ecopias - they have a groove towards the outer edge that's not as deep as the main tread. This makes them look like they are worn out WAY before they actually are. Just keep that in mind if you feel they are wearing too fast.
Bridgestone Ecopia EP422 Plus, right? They're one of the stock tires on the new Also, what's the country of origin; it should say on the sidewall. It's kinda frustrating, but that's what it's come to with these Bridgestones: there are 3 countries of origin (US, MX, JP), and every one produces a different version of this "one" tire.
The Gen 4 uses the Japanese version. the other (US & Mexico) versions are rated higher for mileage & psi. There are 4 rib & 5 rib designs of the tires too.