I canceled tow with my insurance company as I thought the $50 charge was excessive. So I've been looking at AARP vs AAA. Since my goal is towing, the $78 + $16 initial charge AAA looks to be a better deal and overlaps with a lot of AARP benefits. This AAA level includes a 100 mi tow. If I went with AARP I'd have to pay just under $70 in addition to the AARP fee to add towing. Any thoughts? Bob Wilson
I am an AARP member for other benefits than towing. The savings in auto insurance through The Hartford and hotel savings made it a worthwhile investment at the time. You will get royally spammed by al their "deals" though. I am working on getting comparative insurance quotes elsewhere now, though. When I added the Prius last year, my rate took a big jump. If you want to get a quote, start with their online form and, if you need to call, refer to that. They give an additional annual discount for applying online. Initially I tried their spy dongles to prove safe driving, resulting in additional discounts. They take them back after 6 months, IIRC, but the discount stays.
I believe you can get a discount from most insurance companies if you take their safe driving course. Check with your company to see what you might save, first. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I have AAA because we drive older cars and I still have 2 motorcycles. I've found over the years that my military and AAA discounts > AARP and I don't get all of the junk mail that my "chronologically advanced" friends get with AARP. Once upon a time......looooooong ago I had an opportunity to get certified as a firearms instructor for free through the NRA but I passed, (a) because I'm not into lobbying groups and (b) because you get put on every spam/mass marketing list out there. With AARP? I'm not going to PAY for the same "privilege." YMMV.
What $50 charge, exactly ?? And what is this emphasis on towing ?? Are you saying that if a problem can be fixed at the side of the road you would not do that and instead just have it towed for any and all problems ??
I have AAA for the towing and roadside assistance, like jump starts changing a flat ect. I wasn't aware that AARP offers that I'll have to check on that. I like AARP because you always get 10% or so off at Outback and most of the time the AARP discounts at hotels are usually more with AARP. Always found both the supposed insurance discounts for both was not much. BTW we just switched from Travelers to Progressive since Progressive was $400 a year less than Travelers and a lot less than others with the supposed discount.
I like fixing stuff on the spot, but my feelings about lying on my back in sleet have changed over the years. -Chap
But the "tow truck" driver will do some of that FOR you.......without all the hassle of an actual tow.
The BMW i3-REx has no jack and a spare tire is pricy. The BMW warranty service ends in December 2018 so I am shopping early. Still leaning AAA and carry a copy of my DD 214. FYI, Vietnam era and though I was never in the bush ... my Marine refund. Bob Wilson
Thanks for your service Bob! I bet your weren't thinking of a AAA discount when you were in the Marines LOL
You’re welcome but I was just a draft evader who enlisted. One thing I was grateful for was boot camp cured a broken heart depression. Everything thereafter has been better because I still remember the dark hole my soul was in. Bob Wilson
About 20 seconds later, I realized I had 3 years, 11 months, 1 week, 2 days, 17 hours, and 38 minutes remaining in the Marines. But that was so much better than the dark hole of that depression. Bob Wilson
How about just self insuring for towing? I've dropped AAA after many years of paying $50 or so per year for maps. Last time I got a tow was about 1966. 50 years of membership fees could buy quite a tow. None of the insurance plans actually operate tow trucks. You might get priority with AAA, but if they're backed up 4 hours, well, they're backed up 4 hours. The money is better spent on spare keys, small jump batteries, spare tires, and learning how to use them all.