Hello, I have a weird problem with my 2017 Prime. I know that the interior lights are supposed to come on when you approach the car with the key fob. I know this because I saw it at a dealer and my brother in law just got one and it does it. Mine does not. The lights come on when you open the door, but not when you approach the car. Even more odd is that it did it about 2 days ago but no longer does it. Has anyone heard of this? It is only programmable by the dealer and no one at the dealer has every heard of this. They weren't even aware of the feature but I like it and it's nice to have. Thanks for any info.
Are you locking the car? This doesn't work (on my Gen3s) when the car is unlocked, such as when I park it in the garage.
No, but it shouldn't have anything to do with it. My brother in law has one and the lights just go on, whether car is locked or not
I just tested mine. Without the car locked nothing came on. Locked the light came on when I approached the car.