Saw the fb post with pictures on how to remove the tail lights to get to the bulbs. But has anyone on here tried it?? I'm worried I might break the cover to get to the screws. Where's the best place to pry it open?
Have you considered the legality of changing reversing bulbs - they are covered by design rules in order to not blind other drivers? The manufacture has to comply with limits on brightness, including along the plane(s) of direction of light emitted as well as colour. Just sticking an LED bulb in place of the original could have an undesired result.
I have replace the reverse LED, its a nice effect and looks similar to other high end car reverse lights. The plastic cover isn't the most durable. I would suggest watching the following video to help with the install (). Start at the 9:40 mark.
(a) Every motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, of a type subject to registration and manufactured on and after January 1, 1969, shall be equipped with one or more backup lamps either separately or in combination with another lamp. Any vehicle may be equipped with backup lamps. (b) Backup lamps shall be so directed as to project a white light illuminating the highway to the rear of the vehicle for a distance not to exceed 75 feet. A backup lamp may project incidental red, amber, or white light through reflectors or lenses that are adjacent or close to, or a part of, the lamp assembly. (c) Backup lamps shall not be lighted except when the vehicle is about to be or is backing or except in conjunction with a lighting system which activates the lights for a temporary period after the ignition system is turned off. (d) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with a lamp emitting white light on each side near or on the rear of the vehicle which is designed to provide supplemental illumination in an area to the side and rear not lighted by the backup lamps. These lamps shall be lighted only with the backup lamps. (Amended by Stats. 1981, Ch. 813, Sec. 17.) I don't think the LED 921 Bulb will exceed 75 feet. The point is to make drivers aware your backing up. So I saw it's more safe if they see that high LED
Thanks bro, I just installed it once I saw your reply. Yup that plastic cover is not durable, but I'm glad it's flexable.