Thanks to those who posted the two finger squeeze technique. I knew about that, but forgot over the years of being lazy and just touching the top. Works much more reliably when wearing heavy gloves (and we're doing that at temps. of -20C and below, below 0F for those metrically challenged ).
About 4° below 0 F to be precise. At -40 they are the same. I didn't know about the top-bottom technique till I saw it in the manual when looking up info on this issue.
Interesting. On Gen 4 they moved the lock sensor to the vertical surface of the handle. That would make it easier to "palm".
But if you push on the face of the handle, also triggers locking I guess? I know, usually good, but I prefer to leave the car unlocked in our secure garage, thinking less wear-and-tear on all 5 lock mechanisms.
I leave Pearl S unlocked in the garage because if some moron breaks in they won't have to smash a $500 window to steal $10 worth of "stuff". My garage seems to be "secure", as there have been at least one attempt at breakin every two years. All without success.
Not sure. Haven't tried. Lock mechanisms should be ok. Mine is set to global unlock so all door locks have been locking and unlocking every time I unlock the car and on shift in/out of Park. Only for a short period have I had it set to the default Driver-only so it's been this way for the better part of 7 years (assuming the default was used for a total of 1.5 years)