Bought from Molle Toyota in KCMO--> 2017 Red Prius 2 Eco = $24,820 OTD with Body Side Moldings added and delivered over 250 miles on a trailer to my home in NorthCentral Oklahoma. So far they seem like nice people and they came down $964 from their "Best" price to make the deal. I am glad I did not have to make a deal with Eddy's in Wichita - from my limited experience with them I am NOT impressed. Now I will have to find a good Dealer closer to home for service ---> Any suggestions from the group ??? Thanx again guys for all the help and info you supplied from this group- I was able to make a more informed decision thanx to you all.
Glad it worked out. As for servicing, are you adverse to performing yourself (or can you even do so)? When living in Wichita, we just used midwestern toyota in Hutch, but thats a fair drive for you . Ever used Nortcutt toyota in your city? They seem highly rated on google. Might be worth a shot and see how it goes. Congrats on the purchase and getting what you wanted.
---------------------- Ray- Thank you very much for you suggestions, advice and help. . . Northcutt- about an hour/55 mi. away, and they are the closest, I was not impressed with their salesforce, they were very cordial, but no product knowledge, but, as you say their Service Dept. reviews seem good. One downside, they had zero New Prius's in stock, just one used unit. I'm guessing that their Service Dept. does not work on very many of them. I think that could be a big negative on such a Technology loaded vehicle. Midwestern -> I spent over an hour on phone tonite with Jerry Johnson (F&I) discussing Extended Warranty, Pre-Paid Service Plan and general 'chewing the fat'. VERY nice man - they look to be about 2 hours away. I got a very good feeling from Jerry and may just give them a try - it will only be about 1.5 Gal. more gas and the extra time/gas is well worth getting Top Quality service...we will see. As to doing is my self - there are some things in life I am very good at - BUT - if it involves picking up a tool, of any kind, I call somebody and hire it done, so, therefore quality service is especially vital to BTW- I told Jerry at Midwestern that 'Raytheeagle' on PriusChat had sung their praises. I don't think he knew you by that I will continue to post with my impressions, comments, and questions -> delivery 1/2/2018<-- I LOVE Christmas/New Year Shopping. . .for MYSELF ! Again thanx for being so helpful to me. Happy and Prosperous New Year...
---------------------- Bisco- Thank you for you kind words and support. I am sooo excited I get my New Prius 1/2/2018... Happy and Prosperous New Year...
Well, I thought you were trying g pull the trigger straight to Lagos with that beautiful babe you've got. Congrats on her!
FWIW I use Fowler Toyota in Norman, who I bought the car from, for service. So far they have been, IMO, very good. They are on the north side of town so I don't know how far a drive it would be for you... Good luck...
------------ Yeah- I had planned on getting a Blizzard White . . .But in the end I went for HYPERSONIC RED. Fits my Half Nuts attitude . . . Happy and Prosperous New Year...
---------------- Hey Al- Thank you for the suggestion. I am about 25 miles South of Kansas border and a couple miles East of I-35. They are about 1.5 hours from me- I will check them out as the closest dealership is about 1 hour away (Northcutt in Enid) and I don't think they service many Prius there, and I think I want a place that has lots of experience with my new Technological Wonder. When you live in a small, out of the way town you drive to the cities often. In fact that is the main reason for me buying a Prius. I moved from Albuquerque, NM and I have had it take that long to drive from one side of town to the other when weather and/or traffic was bad. Happy and Prosperous New Year...
They wouldn’t know me (they would my wife). Glad it worked out . Looks like @Sooner Al had another good dealer near you, so worth a shot. Enjoy the gas savings in your new Prius .
What preceded Hypersonic Red was Barcelona Red: It’s a fantastic color and Still keeps the shine after 8.5 years.
---------------------- Man that looks nice...hard to believe it is that old. Looks like a little darker red. I had planned on White because it is so much easier to keep looking nice, dust ect. just does not show a much- but - I got the Red and will just have to wash it more often . . .
Ours is called Absolutly Red which means the car seems to be going twice or maybe three times as fast as the speedometer shows...
You might be surprised. While there are very few Primes (30 ish) in OK, there are a lot of other Prii around. I see lots of Prii in the outer rural areas because they're great commuter cars. No dealership in the middle of the country works on a ton of Prii like you are wanting. For one, they just don't need a lot of work. Try your local dealer first and then look elsewhere if necessary. Bob Howard Toyota in Edmond has good service as does Fowler Toyota in Norman, BUT as with all service departments everywhere, it's up to you to have some basic idea about what service you really need. If they can sell you on changing the headlight fluid , then you're always going to have trouble. Think about it, how many mechanics anywhere have seen a LOT of 2017's of any kind? Hopefully not many. They'll get experienced with them over time. Welcome to the forum and you your new ride.
Congrats ! Keep us appriased of your experience , likes and dislikes - there is not enough ECO posts here ! My first Prius was an 05 Salsa Red .. <heavy sigh> , let it go for the allure of audio input and back up cam of the 07 . Kenny