Hi everyone, I am having an issue with my 2010 prius that happened yesterday. My driver side window will automatically roll up and then roll down again like half way. I haven't rolled down the window since I last got gas, which was December 8th, but it was fine then and every time before. Yesterday there was snow and ice here, so I used an ice scraper and scraped the ice down the window... I have never used an ice scraper, but scraping it down was the only thing breaking the ice apart. I am worried a lot of ice got stuck inside the window area and now the window is broken. I Googled this (without the ice/snow part) and a lot of people said to reset/calibrate the window. I am not sure if this will work if there's ice stuck down there, but the ice should have melted and turned into water..? But this shouldn't hurt the window because it rains all the time and I never had this issue! Did I destroy my window? Please help. I have only had this car for a few months. Thank you.
Try raising the window and keep holding the button in the raise position for about 10 seconds after the window is actually all the way up. Usually this will reset the window position tracking.
So I went out and tried it several times with my window. Well, now the automatic roll up feature does not work! Did I permanently break the automatic roll up feature? Now my window will only roll all the way up if I hold it the entire time rather than rolling all the way up automatically if I hold it for 5+ seconds.
That's what the hold in the up position for 10s does, it relearns the auto feature of the window. If there is debris in the window, something that restricts the movement, the current sensor for the motor will notice it. As a safety feature, if there is too much resistance, it rolls itself down. This way if you stick your head out the window and it rolls up, eventually it will notice your head in the way and back off and roll down versus just keep going until it guillotines you or your passengers. If your temperatures are still around or under freezing, try parking in a covered/heated garage for the day to let everything warm up. If it is just ice in there, eventually it will melt and all will be well. Try that before doing anything with the door. And in the future, don't scrape "down" into windows. That's not good for anything in there. Always scrape across. If it is sleet and frozen rain over the window, yeah it is faster to scrape down. But then you get this problem. Put the hard plastic piece against the glass flat, and push down and away from you. The ice will just fall off.
Also, consider the possibility that your 12V battery has become so weak that the power window auto up/down feature was lost due to lack of sufficient battery voltage.