wether the radio is on or off, ... 'ba ba ba ba ba ba' .. something with the amp ? \ the radio can come on and off on the display, but i hear no sound except the continous rapid fire drum beat... at annoyingly high volume ... dont know what is causing it ...
i guess there is no direct radio fuse for just stereo or amp ... but i must discon the connectors to the amp to get rid of it .. does this mean the amp is bad ?
im not sure but when my jbl amp went out I had low volume and a bass thump.. cant hurt to try to disconnect it and see what happens
yes I replaced it with one from LKQ u pull it salvage yard, got lucky and found one during their 40% off sale (theres a sale dec30th to jan2) I think it was $22 bucks out the door. go to their website and search for a prius in your area
mine is a 2008 and to be honest I found more defects with this one then the 04,05 and 07 I owned in the past.. not sure why.. I replaced a lot of parts I never had to on the older gen 2's and this one has the least miles of any of them..
u have to pop off the 2 connectors hold ing the black plastic amp cover, then u can remove 1 of 2 connectors , either power or signal wires .. yeah, it sure stopped the bass thump coming from the speakers.. this car just keeps nickel and diming and im not even driving it ..will check the boneyard site.. thx! no locations in FLA ... ;(