Webster's II: cult 1. A community or system of religious worship and ritual. 2. A religion or religious sect generally regarded as bogus or extremist. "Rev." James Jones headed what many, perhaps most, Americans regarded as a religious cult. But wait! Some regard the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints ("L.D.S." or "Mormon") as a "cult", perhaps the world's largest. Does one identify an "obvious" cult by unusual practices required of its members? Unusual beliefs compared to other groups? The fact that its male leader sleeps with new female converts? (Or ANY selected members?) The fact that the leader has no (or few or "questionable") academic or religious "credentials"? If the answer is (not counting the sexual one) "one of more of the above", how does one distinguish "cults" from "mainstream religions" in terms of theology or liturgy? Merely by what seems closest to traditional practices? Is everyone's religion except yours a cult?
Prius drivers......We worship the MFD and MPG! We set rituals in driving, checking that air pressure, what's the temp, speed 40-60...... Some of us are described as hypermilers, tying up traffic in search of that 60+MPG, we are ridiculed for driving our little green cars (less so these days) We seek each other out and try to convert others to our way of life......
I found some links pertaining to "cults": http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=9381 http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=6540 http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=1261 http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=4106
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Jul 18 2006, 03:11 PM) [snapback]288376[/snapback]</div> I especially like the one about the Rules (stolen from fight club) Tony obviously subscribes to the No Shirts, No Shoes, No Problem Rule!! Of course that will make no sense when you change your avatar to something else........
One thing I think a cult does is try to separate you from all of your friends and family and substitute the cult for them. They also do all of your thinking for you, basically you get brainwashed. In some ways I think current gangs are cults.
The word "cult" is a pretty loaded word because the usual definition by folks who use the word in regards to extreme religious groups use it like Godiva identified. The Wikipedia definition is: But like many of the entries in the Wikipedia, there are some nuances that are left out. But to its credit, it includes the context from which the idea that the LDS church is a "cult": The usefulness of using a word like "cult" to mean unorthodox beliefs is lost on most people. They think of Jim Jones, David Koresh, and other "mind control" and "separatist" groups when they think of cults. They certainly do not think of their Mormon friends who simply have a different view of the nature of God, and are, as my sister in law told me one day, "otherwise normal rational people." I have heard some Protestants try to make the claim that the Roman Catholic Church is a "cult" under Martin's definition, which is ludicrous on its face. I don't think the word is very useful when trying to point out theological differences, and it should be reserved for the coercive, separatist and dangerous cults like David Koresh and Jim Jones headed up. Otherwise, the theological differences get lost in the "name calling".
One that I see quite often in the Southern Appalachia "Bible Belt" are the Pentecostal fundamentalist types. They mostly look alike, sound alike and have the same set of irrational rules. Some examples: Women are not allowed to wear pants. Women are not allowed to wear make up. Not allowed to work outside of the home. Must be submissive to their husband (whatever that means). Women are not allowed in the ministry. The men all have those plastic pompadour looking hairstyles. They all walk around calling each other "Brother David or Sister Donna, etc. They are quick to tell you that you'll burn in hell if you do not believe exactly what they believe and do exactly what they do. Lord help you if you listen to rock and roll (I do and have been told many times it is "of the devil". Thankfully, this bunch is a very small but very vocal minority, but quite scary none the less.
To simplify it, You start with crazy ideas and even crazier rhetoric...and then you create a supreme leader with a catchy name...like "The all powerful and Mysterious Squid"....
Did anyone mention that churches receive tax-free status? I'd think that would be a good differentiator. After all, whether we agree with it personally or not, if the government recognizes it as a legitimate church, who are we to disagree? We might not agree with every law, but we must adhere to them all the same. Likewise, we might not subscribe to the religion, but once they have church status, it's legitimate in the eyes of the government.
I'm not sure 'church' is used seperately from 'religion' to determine tax-exempt status. This is where one man's 'cult' still ends up paying no taxes...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Jul 18 2006, 10:09 PM) [snapback]288490[/snapback]</div> I thought he was saying 'How do you like me so far?" On topic for a change: If questions are encouraged and people are free to decide for themselves, it's not a cult. If the truth and the future are already determined and it's merely your duty to align yourself to it, it's a cult.
"Cult" is a very loaded word. Commonly it's used for groups that isolate members from the outside world, including their families, require them to hand over their money and/or property to the group, and make it very difficult for them to leave. Often the founder is still alive. However, "cult" can also mean any religious group or denomination. A sign seen very frequently in the street-facing windows of homes in Mexico says, "Este es un hogar católico. No aceptamos propaganda de otros cultos." In English: "This is a Catholic home. We do not accept propaganda from other cults." It's meant to discourage door-to-door evangelists, but it always amused me because it uses the word "cult" to refer to both the Catholic Church and the rival churches that go around trying to convert Catholics to Protestantism. But to be fair, in this context, "cult" is a synonym for religion. Of course, in my opinion, any group that collects money with the implied promise of rewards after you are dead, is a cult in the worst sense of the word.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Jul 19 2006, 09:18 PM) [snapback]289089[/snapback]</div> How do you feel about life insurance companies?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Jul 19 2006, 02:59 PM) [snapback]288892[/snapback]</div> Okay, I don't usually incite flaming to this extent but it's on a platter and I just can't help myself. If questions are encouraged and people are free to decide for themselves, you're a Liberal. If the truth and the future are already determined and it's merely your duty to align yourself to it, you're a NeoCon. Okay, got my shoes on and I'm out the door. You'll have to catch me first.
"Any group of whacks who do not agree with me" they get extra points for killing people outside the cult and maximum points for killing all of themselves. One or two does not count. Cult what a loaded and unloaded word. I think we should avoid it. Might be the best course. Every thing is in the eye of the beholder. Bottom line is if the IRS says you are a religion, then I guess that is it. That means you have enough money and lawyers to support your group. Groups that don't make the cut are "cults"? Does that mean that there are rich "cults" masquerading as religions? My head spins. For me my definition is that if you have not been around for at least 1k years you are a "cult" and deserve to be burnt at the stake as a hieratic. That is unless you are a previously described hieratic then we burn you. When in doubt we burn you. Damn what a great system. Makes it all easy. No thinking, just action. Got to love that. BURN THE HERETICS!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Jul 19 2006, 06:23 PM) [snapback]289090[/snapback]</div> Many of them are rather on the slimy side. But at least they are promising to pay money to your survivors. They are not promising you that you will receive rewards after you are dead.