I just took a semi-leisurely 10 minute bike ride from home to my office, and along the way saw 8 Gen3's. Four (silver, white, red, gold) were parked in the spots where they usually are located, and I also saw three others (blue, silver, blue) at meters, along with one (white) that was rolling. I'm curious whether others see this many in such a short time/distance. I'm sure someone does. Edit: I should add. Even more shocking than the 8 Gen3's was that I saw one new Insight.
I think I've seen maybe 5 total since they were released. Probably has to do with region. I live in pickup country.
There are a lot on the peninsula since cash for clunkers. Before that, I had only seen 1 in the wild since launch. Before C4C, I had never seen an Insight in the wild. Now there are a few driving around.
I don't think I have seen 8 total yet. The first one that I saw in person is the one I now own And I have only seen a few around town.
I drove 15 miles in heavy traffic and saw one 2010 Prius, I saw countless gen2... even seeing a green one following an identical green one. Maybe I see a 201 every other day if lucky.
Never seen one Gen3 nor Insight before C4C, then I saw 5 last week and one Insight last Sunday. Three Gen3 have no plates yet.
Two neighbors bought Gen III. In a 200 feet radius three park at night. In La Jolla CA, Gen II are probably the most frequent seen cars except for the BMW 3-Series if you count all years.
I don't think I've ever seen the same 8 of any cars at a given time, except maybe at a dealership or car rental agency. Majority are gen2 that I've seen, and a few gen3. But I think you're right about the Insight being even more rare. I saw one today... gotta say after seeing Prii all over the place all the time, it's kinda refreshing to see an Insight. I really like the way they look. From the rear I noticed a strong resemblance to the gen1 Insight. The front though is more of the FCX style.
Well reviving an old thread. Now that there are like 1 Gen 3 Prius to every 5 cars in LA it's interesting to start to see Gen 4 population growing in LA. I am seeing many more on the road and the Prime seems to be the model to buy!
Oddly enough, with as many as I see in my over 100 miles commuting per day on 101 here in the bay area, I am really surprised that I don't see more modded ones.