Watch the shark fin over the next few days. I got one and the front point kept lifting off the car. When I installed it, I cleaned the paint with alcohol and dried it good before setting the shark fin. I ended up pulling it off, clean the adhesive off the car, scaping the shark fin clean and using the good gray 3M double-stick adhesive that is used to install side moldings. It's now been a week and the so far the new adhesive is holding.
Ordered mine from PC (Blizzard Pearl). Dealer is going to install it. On my Ford, the block antennae started to leak and I put an edge of clear silicone are it to seal it.
Anybody want to comment on its reception abilities? I like the look a lot but I'm on the edge of receiving some stations in my current car radio.
I can say that on my Gen II Prius, compared with the regular antenna, it's not that great. I am sure there are some ways to quantify this, but I don't have the equipment. If you're in a urban area, then OK, but in rural/fringe areas, not so much. Bottom line, mine did not improve reception, and it did reduce it - more noticeably on FM than AM.
I've had the shark fin for over 2 years on my 2009. I live an hour south of SF and between San Jose. I'd say about a third of my regular stations saw slightly decreased reception, but it's worth it. You get used to it and hardly notice after a week or two. I'd definitely do it again. As for installation, it helps to lightly heat the area with a hair dryer. Better adhesion that way. Place the fin down slowly and hold it in place for a long time.
I certainly agree, the looks is great but the FM reception decreased up to the point of loosing reception in certain stations. I'm located 42 miles from NYC. I ended-up removing it.......
Well, did some driving around today and sought out those hard to get stations downtown like Radio Free Georgia and the jazz station at Clark Atlanta, and they came in just fine. I did not notice any degradation of FM reception from the GenII, in fact it seemed to reject that popping and static you hear from travelling near to power lines and transformers. No peeling at 45 mph and a little rain, so I'll keep it for now.
Will do but just remembered, I ordered it in black because I like the black/white contrast. I have the solar roof so entire roof looks black.
I wouldn't want to part with mine, it's as helpful as a big flag in helping find my car in large parking lots. There are just some times - driving in the mountains or desert, or up the coast away from the city - that I wish I either had a signal amplifier or a quick way to convert back to the whip antenna.
Just ordered mine after returning one from Amazon. My CT200h has the shark fin but it is stock on it. As long as I get my talk radio then I will be good. The looks outweigh the rest for me.