I am planning on plugging my charging cable into the wall and leaving it plugged. I would love to hear about what setup/hardware people are using to hang it/store the cable on. It would be convenient to just grab the cable end and plug it into the car and vice versa.
i screwed a plastic flower pot onto the wall and hang it like a hose. if you don't want to coil and uncoil, lay it on a shelf like a snake.
Mine is coiled, laying on a shelf next to the electric plug so the weight of the large piece is not supported by the electric plug. Best thing is in your situation, find a way to support that weight instead of it trying to unplug itself. There are holes in each corner so you could support it by tying it to a nail with a string or piece of wire. You might want to take the cable with you some day so a permanent mount with screws t the wall might be too permanent.
I don't have one installed yet, but I have seen some people use garden hose hanger. One like this Ames 2384010 150' Capacity Poly Hose Hanger - Walmart.com
One side of my garage is lined with shelves. At the receptacle end, the CCID is hanging by a bungee from a shelf. The cable is strung along the floor and tucked under the shelves. The car end of it is simply draped over the front corner of the end of the shelves about two feet from the car's charging port. It ain't elegant, but it's extremely convenient. And free.
I highly recommend plugging a little 1ft extension into your outlet first, like this: Code: https://www.amazon.com/SF-Cable-Ultra-Profile-Angle/dp/B01N3Z26WA/ref=sr_1_1?s=industrial&ie=UTF8&qid=1513887080&sr=1-1&keywords=5-15r+to+5-15p+right+12%2F3 I have one of these permanently hanging from outlets in the garages of many houses to charge my Leaf. The reason being outlets do wear out plugging in and out. I'd much rather replace the cable every so often vs. the outlet itself. Then you can 3D print a J1772 holder (or just but on Amazon) like this: Code: https://www.amazon.com/EV-Charger-Holster-Electric-Included/dp/B074DN623C/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1513887601&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=J1772+holster&psc=1 Then to hold the EVSE itself, a little outlet shelf works well. But really, I just let it hang off the extension cord. Code: https://www.amazon.com/Outlet-Organizer-Storage-Office-Bathroom/dp/B01DQ146E0/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1513887688&sr=8-9&keywords=outlet+shelf
I only use the level 1 charger, but I leave it plugged in in my garage. It’s right next to a wire shelving rack I have sitting in front of my car, so I bought an 'over the door clothes hook’ that I hung from the shelf and I loop the cable over this hook to hang it.
I just bought a hook at Lowe's. It's the kind that's designed to fit into a track, but it has screw holes which allowed it to be mounted directly to the wall: Leviton-EVSE-unit by Old Bear posted Dec 2, 2017 at 12:02 AM We located in on the back wall of the garage because I usually like to back in. But the cord is long enough to reach even when parked front in first. Also, it can reach most of the second bay of the garage if needed. Cable-storage-hook by Old Bear posted Dec 27, 2017 at 10:27 PM To hook up the Prime, I usually just remove a couple of the coils of the cable. By leaving most of it on the hook, it's quick and easy to plug into the car and to put back.
I tapped off an exterior light between our garage doors to install below it a weatherproof exterior 120V outlet for charging. Just under it, I installed a screw eye, from which I hang the charger unit (using a key ring and spring link together):
I have a similar hook with some carpet tiles running down the wall to the floor to stop the brick work from scraping against the cable when I frequently move it to us it. iPhone ?
That is a very elegant solution. And it's great that you used a weatherproof outlet with a cover that will allow the cord to come out through the bottom of the cover when it's closed. And a GFCI outlet, too!
Yeah, not taking any chances with an outlet likely to be exposed to moisture. Due to the thickness/stiffness of the cord, the cover doesn’t quite close completely, but it closes enough to keep the rain off.
Just be sure to keep the cord off the ground as much as possible. Our house backs up to open farm land and a little creek. During winter, little critters try to get warm in the garage. Apparently, electrical cables are tasty! I had about a 2 inch section of a previous EVSE chewed down to the wire.
I charge in a garage but always lay the cable across the passenger side mirror to keep it off the ground.
We have had mice eat through Tupperware containers placed on shelves four feet above the floor. I don't think height is much of a deterrent. But it might help a little.