Yeah I was referring to the really old days when gas stations had service bays and made additional revenue at the pump adding oil, changing air filters, windshield wipers, etc, and doing oil changes, belts, hoses etc. in the service bay. The service bay has now been replaced by the mini-mart for the additional revenue. At least in the U.S., in Toronto I noticed a lot of gas stations with service bays, and just a small office where they had a few snacks and drinks. For me it was nostalgic as that's exactly how it used to be when I was growing up. Although I haven't been to Toronto for many years, maybe they have mostly disappeared from there also.
The gas stations with bays have been pulling the pumps and going strictly service around here, leaving the gas to the Kwikie Mart segment.
Hey Mendel, you just can't steal California's beloved governor Moonbeam's name. Jerry has had it since the mid seventies. The two are probably indistinguishable.
As I understand it, in the US it is a federal ADA regulation that self-serve stations must pump gasoline for the disabled, at no additional charge. There is an exception for stations that have only one employee on site.
I've pulled into full service lanes on occasion. Depending on where I am, there may or may not be an attendant who comes out and refuels for me lol. But it is nice to have full service when it's -30°C outside. Some areas charge, maybe, 2-3 cents/litre more for full service; other areas charge the same for full service. (Not including municipalities like Richmond or Coquitlam that require full service).