Techstream and key fob programming. Hi I'm trying to program a key fob with techstream software it is an 05 Prius. It says to install original key in slot and remove it and reinstall it and turn on vehicle. Then instructions say to remove the key key will not remove from the slot wow Prius is in on position. Can anyone tell me what I may be dealing with here? THANKS
Try pushing the fob inward and then pull outward. Has worked for me previously. Unfortunately, your results may not be the same.
Is this a problem no one on this form Ever dealt with? Could somebody direct me where I might find the answer.? Thanks
It's hard to figure out what exactly is wrong without being there. For example don't know if you are doing things in correct order, etc. I would possibly try with a different fob altogther with a reseed. Feel free to call me if you want to talk through and discuss more details.
I vaguely remember one person who said they used TS to program a key, but said it was a "piece of cake' and had no problems. So, you just might be one of a few TS pioneers. Under normal operating conditions you cannot remove the key when the car is READY (i. e. on). However, that does not mean that under TS process control the key lock can't be disengaged. Having said that is it possible you missed an instruction to switch the car off? If you can't figure it out, you might give the "chicken dance" a go and see if that works. Out of interest, how many keys does TS say are linked to the car?
I spoke with OP. Trying to program a used key. We discussed the fact that using techstream without a reseed code will only allow the key to be used to start the car. It will not be able to open the doors. Went through a few other options. OP has programmed a new/virginized key via chicken dance before on a different car. He may just do that instead.
For anyone stumbling upon this in the future, there's an unwritten step in Techstream: There is no way to remove the key while the car is IG-ON. You simply turn off the car first to remove the key, then continue with the steps; it still works. With this method I was able to register a cheapo $40 eBay key using Techstream that didn't work with the chicken dance method and said you "needed a locksmith" to program it. Attached is the official Toyota documentation that lists this step: