My rear right stop led light went dead and everyone, including dealer told me I have to replace the whole taillight because it's sealed in the harness and so I did. When I received the replacement, I noticed that there is a led circuit inside a removable drawer which you have to take out and connect the led light wire. Now that made me thought, how do we know that it's not that part only that is dead and not the light itself and that we could fix it by just replacing that small part? Please don't advice me with the hacks for installing normal lights because I've already seen that. SM-G935F ?
We don't know that. What we DO know is that Toyota has elected to NOT make piece parts available and to sell only whole assemblies as replacement parts. Unless you want to go searching in a salvage yard or three, that's your only choice.
Ah ok, what you mean is that it could be the circuit only but we can't find it as spare part? Although the one I bought from German site doesn't look original to me SM-G935F ?
All I was doing was expanding on what you said. YOU said that the little circuit board was not available. I assume that is true........because it is true of a LOT of stuff these days.......but I don't know for sure.