Good to be aboard and become part of the enlightened! I've never been so interested in a new car in my 48+ years of driving. I'm here in Philly and looking for helpful suggestions on what's the best way to break in the car and anything else owners feel would be helpful, or mistakes you made and what you learned. I realize it's not that complicated, but if anything jumps out, please share. Thanks much.
Welcome! I"ll bet you feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. Congrats. One of our members, @john1701a, has written extensively about the various Prius generations. Lots of good stuff on his web site, along with the various Gen 4 forums here. Have fun!!
I'd say get used to the way the brake operate on the Prius. It's distinctly different and can be unnerving at first. You see, most braking effect is produced by variable electric regeneration until the last few mph to zero. There are hydraulic brakes also, but they are more for fierce braking as in emergency, or when the regeneration ceases to have an impact on deceleration. The changeover from friction to hydraulic is not smooth however, and only becomes acceptable after several hours of driving experience. I'll leave it at that for now, but welcome to Prius Chat.
welcome and all the best! please keep us informed of your experience, and any questions. it's just a car, but does have a lot of interesting features.
Welcome! You have what we call a Generation 4 Prius. I have had my 2017 Prius Two for just over a year. No break-in is needed although some people change the oil/filter & transaxle fluids early to remove any contaminants. The Prius software knows what is best as far as running the engine is concerned. Do not let all the tech feedback, especially the popup messages, overwhelm you! The brakes recover some of the braking energy if you brake lightly. Braking heavily uses the conventional friction brakes, turning the energy into heat. Other than that, just drive it & enjoy the fuel economy of this amazing vehicle.
Great suggestions, thanks much. Snowing here in Chester County, cars slipping and sliding everywhere. I decided to delay picking up my car until tomorrow. Got to give her a proper welcome home!