What's the deal? Twice today while stopped at an intersection with a 2-way stop sign, the driver behind me has incessantly honked their horn trying to get me to proceed into an intersection A ) that isn't clear, and B ) when I don't even have the right of way! Are these people just rude? Did they forget their driver's ed training? Do they lack the cognitive ability to drive safely? All of the above?!? Feature request: Missile system attached to the rear of my Prius.
Are you sure they weren't friends of yours trying to get your attention? OR Were they beeping because they saw something wrong with your vehicle? Twice in one day does sound quite unusual/overly aggressive.
I get a lot of honks lately. I think its mostly because I drive the speed limit and start slowing down for the light that is about to change. I just ignore them.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Somechic @ Jul 18 2006, 12:40 PM) [snapback]288230[/snapback]</div> Valid points to consider, but these were more of a "hurry up, I'm late" kind of honk. I've never seen the drivers before in my life. Although in retrospect, I probably shouldn't have waved with one finger at the second guy; he looked like a heavy biker dude that probably had a sawed-off shotgun in the glove compartment of his Ford Explorer. :mellow:
I've yet to get a honking. I've been passed "rudely". I've been tailgated. Haven't been flipped off that I know. But then again, I've also had people maintain a constant safe following distance no matter how my speed fluctuated over long stretches. I tend to agree with Somechic in that they might be honking at something other than you/your car/your driving. Any bumper stickers?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(brandon @ Jul 18 2006, 10:33 AM) [snapback]288225[/snapback]</div> Noting your location, I was going to make a comment on NYC taxis; wrong Manhattan
Well, I see you are from Manhattan ( KS). Maybe that driver was confused about which Manhatten he was in? Honking in Boston is standard fare. Alternatively, as the bumper sticker reads: " Horn broken, watch for finger."
I've never been honked at - thought I was one time but I looked at my car to the left and they had something on their car windows that said honk if you like hot girls (or something to that regard). They looked like High Schoolers who had just graduated. I've been passed rudely/cut off - and this is while driving in medium-to-heavy traffic with about 2-4 car lengths in front of me at any given time. I absolutely love it when someone does that and then sees that his lane ends up going further/faster... a la Office Space =). I haven't been given or had to give the finger to anyone - although I've made a lot of derogatory (sp?) remarks in the privacy of my own car at rude drivers. I have looked at people driving 85 mph in the fast lanes and smiled knowing that my lead foot is now retired =).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Somechic @ Jul 18 2006, 01:40 PM) [snapback]288230[/snapback]</div> They were honking to let you know that your vehicle 1) wasn't making any noise, 2) wasn't slurping gas, and/or 3) was cooler than theirs.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Jul 18 2006, 12:49 PM) [snapback]288241[/snapback]</div> Bumper stickers? Heavens no! Why cover up the glossy paint finish? On both occasions, there simply wasn't anything else around to honk at. The first spot was at an off-ramp onto a four-lane highway. A car on the other side of the road was waiting to cross it and go straight when I arrived. I was waiting to turn left onto the highway. I waited maybe a total of 50 seconds before the other car went straight and I could make my turn. The old beat up red 4-door behind me didn't want to wait that long. After waiting about 30 of those seconds, they starting honking their horn. In the second instance, I was pulling out of an alley with a stop sign to make a left-hand turn onto the city street. New road construction had just started in the area and had screwed up the normal traffic flow, so the street I was trying to turn onto was quite busy. Additionally, also because of the construction, people (like myself ) were using the alley like a thru street. So after waiting about 30 seconds, the Ford Explorer behind me pulls right up to my bumper with his right-hand blinker on and starts honking again and again and again. I really doubt he was sending any other message than, "get the f*** out of the way, I'm impatient." <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Prizzle @ Jul 18 2006, 02:02 PM) [snapback]288262[/snapback]</div> LOL! :lol:
Like Tony, I also have not been honked, but constantly get tailgated and rudely cut off while driving the speed limit in the proper lane. My lead foot was also retired when I was Prianized. I am so much more relaxed now than when I was in the fast lane driving as fast as the flow of traffic would allow. I think much of it is the product of a "me first" society who show no courtesy or manners on or off the road. Let the smugness and sense of self righteousness commence .
I've concluded a couple of things regarding rude people. 1) He who shouts the loudest is usually in the wrong 2) Meek manered people only get 'balls' when they are surrounded by steel, not in person
You sure it wasn't an Aamco commericial on your car radio (reference Larry David and 'Curb Your Enthusiasm') "Double A ----beep, beep------MCO"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarinJohn @ Jul 18 2006, 01:21 PM) [snapback]288311[/snapback]</div> Well said. I had someone who was just going to forgo stopping at their stop sign today and come out in front of me and other traffic. He seemed so confused when I honked at him to remind him that he had a stop sign. I alway let them honk, I figure I am the one who will get hit if I don't have right of way or enough time to clear a lane and get up to speed.
Maybe you're just a bit old and slow to the draw.... :lol: No offense, I just HAD to crack that line out! just saying... Is your mind drifting while you're stopped such that often times it takes you a few seconds to find out the light is green? Are you on the phone, eating breakfast, or reading something, when you're stopped?
I suspect that this was their way of saying, "Hurry up! My too-large engine is running, even though I'm stopped! My gas guzzler is gobbling up my life savings in overpriced gasoline while I sit here behind the most efficient car on the market today!" B)
Any chance you took your sweet old time rolling up to those stopping points? If you did, then you sat there 50 and 30 seconds per time, I can imagine you'd get honked at. Mostly, I think it's a sign of the culture shifting. It's all about me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me and if need be, I'll run you off the road as I cut into your lane because it is beyond me to have to slow for the truck in my lane. I think there is money to be made in a rear window projection system. For $200 bucks, you get the window replaced with a see through replacement window that can also display billboard type messages. Like google ads, you make money displaying beer commercials as you drive to work, but when necessary, you can pick from messages on your MFD. I like the one recently. "The closer you get, the slower I pedal." Another good one... "Honk again, I have time"