Leaning more toward the Plug-in Advanced. It seems like its a Five with Advanced Tech package with a charging port, different wheels, adaptive cruise control and what else? I've heard it has a different battery? Is it any better or worse than standard batteries? What should I look out for now that there is a recall on a fuse? I don't have access to a charging port since I live in an apartment, will it be bad if I don't plug it in every night?
Five W/ATP has lane keep assist. plugin advanced does not.. Self parking is in 2010-2011 but missing in 2012-up and the plugin
lion battery instead of nimh, that's good, and much larger of course. no need to plug in at all, that won't hurt it. you lose the spare tire, and the storage under the rear deck.
Snoop around a bit. You might find an outlet nearby. Is there place you frequent often that might have an available outlet? Checkout plugshare.com to find local chargers and outlets.
Dann not having a spare tire is worrisome. Guess I got to have great roadside assistance. I'm a mechanic so not being able to fix something simple and waiting for someone is embarrassing. I guess for road trips I can just throw a spare tire in the back and take it out for daily driving in the city. VS995 ?
Roadside assistance can't do anything you can't do. If the tire is repairable, it ends up being a tow.
Another question is, if the Plug-in has no spare tire does it have a jack and lug nuts wrench? VS995 ?