I currently own and love my Prius Prime Advanced, and my wife is driving a lease due to be returned about five months. One of the consideration is another Prius Prime Advanced. Does anyone own two in the family and met any limitations in doing so? The leased car is an SUV and we're just a little worried about going small for both cars. We do not have kids and don't plan to have kids, so we don't think the missing 5th seat is a big deal. And if we're picking up visitors from the airport with luggage, worse case scenario we'll just take both cars. Anything else that might cause a problem?
One potential problem immediately comes to my mind is that in 2018, there may not be any tax credit for Prime or any other EV/PHV vehicles. Thanks to the 45 undoing.
You rang... My wife and I have been a 2 Prime family (just us, no kids) since the end of May. No trouble whatsoever with transport of people or cargo and loving the EV experience. We each have our own 40-amp dedicated line for 240-volt chargers, each on its own time-of-use discount meter. That wasn't cheap, but the investment was totally worth it. We got a $500 rebate from our electric-provider for each charger installation. That's $1,000. Woohoo! And we have more than enough tax liability to claim $4,502 for each of the Prime on our 2017 taxes. That's $9,004. Sweet!
Thanks. I never did concern myself with the tax credit because I budget the purchase w/o it. If I receive it I consider it a bonus. So when you guys go shopping at IKEA or buying a big TV, you just choose the Deliver option?
Height is rarely a problem. For that matter, neither is having a flat cargo surface. It's just the need for a large interior. I've made several trips to the compost the Prime stuffed full. That worked fine... though driving there with a Prime looks very out-of-place. Carrying the big shovel to mom's (just 2 miles away) to remove snow from her driveway wouldn't be possible without the wide hatch opening.
Has anyone checked for this in the new 'deal' announced today? After yesterday's events that he would rather spin away or forget or distract from, maybe he was in more of a compromising mood today in order to move on to other topics.
No confirmation, I know of. Just a rumor at this point. With fiasco going on with a new (D) senate seat, who knows what the end product for next year tax package is going to look like. I am just relieved to know, my PRIME purchase this year was a good decision.